Nancy Ford


New Zealand

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Which industries do you work in now?

Comment Wall:

  • Slouch

    Hey nancy, thanks for the invite.
  • Dave Mendoza

    Welcome from!

    Thanks so much for joining the community. Feel free to add me as a 'friend' within

    Jason Davis has put together an amazing site and we are looking forward to developing some great networking parties in the months ahead

    You can create your own blog within the "My Page" tab button of your profile here and add music and video. It's really cool. I am happy to assist you

    If you need assistance, let me know how I can be of help.

    Look forward to seeing you here more often and best wishes

    Dave Mendoza
  • Lisa

    Hi Nancy,

    Thanks for stopping by my page. Please do stop by
  • Roger Hughes

    Good afternoon Nancy. Looks like your hometown is Vancouver...I am assuming Vancouver, WA, USA. Close to my hometown of Portland. I appreciate you stopping by my page. Let's share ideas and ask questions of each other cuz we're in each other's backyard.

    Have a good one,

  • Chris Wessell

    Nice to make your acquaintance! Maybe we'll be able to help each other out some day!
  • Abilash"AJ" Karimkuttyil

    I see you are adding songs as they are being sung on American Idol
    So when are you gonna add a Dolly Parton block of music? Aspecially after Nashville, I feel like square dancing.......
  • Nancy Ford

    You WISH I was adding songs as they are being sung on American Idol. Those are some of my all-time faves and I think the AI people are spying on my RecruitingBlogs profile and using them on the show. I need my Music Consultant fee from them! Ha! You and me baby - kickin' up our heels to Garth Brooks at Tootsies in Nashville... Alamand Left and Do-si-doooo! Yee-haw! But the next time we square dance, I get to wear the frilly skirt, ya' hear?
  • Tektree Gopi

    Hi Nancy,


    I am looking forward to welcome you as my connection in and send me a Please Linkedin invite( if we are not already connected., I am out of invitations.

    I'm always open for professional networking especially in IT Staffing.

    Let us start our relationship with my Firm Air Handshake.

    Thanks in Advance.

    Best Wishes,
    View Gopi Srini Tektree []'s profile on LinkedIn
    Link by
    Yahoo/MSN/Google - IM: velloregopi
    PSave trees. Print Only When Necessary.
  • Doug Beabout


    I admire your proud proclamation of being a "Human" recruiter who treats everyone with dignity. I have been practicing in recruiting for 31 years applying those same principles with great success. It is my hope that many more recruiters will adopt the same values in their work and perhaps as a result, we will soon become the majority!

    You may gain some value from a visit to my site: . It details a worldwide program I have been making available to our global industry for nearly a year with great success for those who have participated!

    Best regards,

    Doug Beabout CPC CSP
  • Doug Beabout


    NPA is sterling association and one which I am proud to be associated with. Please let me know hwo I may be of service to you in any manner.

    Doug Beabout CPC CSP
  • bill martineau

    This recruiting thing gets to be tough sometimes....thanks for providing the tunes for a nice break. Especially enjoyed social distortion!
  • Rob Clarke

    Thanks Nancy, I have done that before too.....I make it through half my day on auto-pilot!! Have a great week!
  • Scott Love

    Thanks for the kind words, Nancy. Yes, high expectation, low attachment. This business is such a head game, you know? Have a great day!
    Scott Love
  • Susan Burns

    Hi Nancy! Saw your comment on the Portland Roadshow. Hope you'll be able to make the trip. It should be a terrific event and with John and team as well as the networking reception. No promises for good weather - even though its the first day of is still Portland ;-)
  • Susan Burns

    Thanks Nancy - if you make it...which I hope you do, please let me know so we can connect. If you email me at I'll send you my mobile #. Cheers! to a great weekend! Quite sunny in Portland today ;-)
  • Alex Truchot

    You do like to stir things up don't you. Sorry about not giving you a direct invitation to my network.
    View Alex Truchot's profile on LinkedIn
  • Alex Truchot

    Thanks for the invite and the friday afternoon laugh. Have a great weekend.
  • Alex Truchot

    Thank you for the words of praise. I have some resumes from people with impressive backgrounds that are contacting me and asking for my assistance with finding work. Would you like to see them?
  • anshu

    nice pic Nancy.....can we be friends???
  • Slouch

    Thanks Nancy, it was great meeting you as well.
  • Sally Raade

    Hi Nancy,

    It's good to see you in the community! Have a great week!

  • Angie Clowers

    Hi Nancy! Thanks for your note! I am happy to hear that you attended and enjoyed the Recruiting Roadshow. Hopefully you got to meet our founder, Don Ramer?
    Let's connect on LinkedIn as well!
  • Vicki Z. Lauter

    Happy to be connected! vzl
  • Dennis Smith

    Nancy - that's so strange that there was a different picture...honestly, I don't know how that works! : ) I'd like to say I had something to do with it, but I'd be lying!!!! : )
  • Rob Clarke

    Thanks Nancy, that is so true- especially for me - if I hear something that I like if I don't use it- it becomes lost. We our monthly training it just resolidifies those concepts and they end of sticking with thought patterns, etc. Anyways- you have one of my favorite blogs to read each week- great work!
  • Jordan Shaw

    Thank you for the kind words. I look forward to reading all of your posts and speaking with you in the future.

    Jordan Shaw
  • Rob Clarke

    Thanks Nancy, that is not the title-but it is definitely a Tony Robbins book- I want to say Life Mastery or something like that. It is amazing to think- you probably like most recruiters spend more time in our chair than our bed! So make the chair comfy!
  • Rob Clarke

    Thanks for your comment on the Randy Pausch post - and a great post by you today (nature vs. nurture)- I find myself at times swimming against the current (as I am sure most recruiters do)! Great post as always!