Tektree Gopi

, Male


United States

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  • Denyse Diem

    Gopi - Thanks for reaching out! Looks like you had a blast in Toronto! Wish I was there to meet you folks. Feel like I know you from reading about you all but how in the world did you find out about little ole me? Let me know if I can ever be of help to you! Cheers!
  • Sowmya R

    Hello Gopi,
    Thank you for your response. I have read couple of your blogs.. and also one in Dice ,asking for Quote.. actually it is around 6600$ per year..

    My company is actually Atlanta based and I am in NC,Raleigh and only person from NC working from home for that staffing company .. so they told me that intially for couple of months i need to find someone who can give me Dice access for couple for hours per day for which the company will pay that person 200$ per month , it is a small time staffing company.. I do not need post posting .. just access to Dice for couple of hours daily .

    Are you the founder of your staffing company in NJ.. Can you help me in any way.. Kindly let me know..

    with regards,

    Hi Gopi,

    Hope you are doing well.

    The objective of this mesasage is to tell you that how we could be of value to your organization. We have large pool of IT consultants in various skill sets working across US. All professionals are thoroughly screened and tested, thus ensuring that only the best are chosen. I would feel great if you can give us the opportunity for working on your IT requirements. Our Consultants are open to relocation, available for contractual positions at best of the rates. We have consultants available in almost all the skills ranging from Oracle DBA,COGNOS, Java & DOT NET Developers,ERP - SAP, QA ,BA to Web Technologies etc.

    Please add my email id i.e. vasanth@techgene.com to your mailing list in order to help serve requirements of your direct clients. I assure you of a perfect match in least possible time at the best of rates. Let us make some placements together.

    TECHNICAL Recruiter,