
Atlanta, GA

United States

Profile Information:

Which industries do you work in now?
All Industries, Technology

Comment Wall:

  • Tim

    Okay - so I'm new to this one - I am typing in a vaccuum - ha! Am interested in networking for good info re: corporate recruiting and sourcing techniques... let me know!
  • Leslie O Connor

    Hey Tim - welcome!!! Glad to FINALLY see you on Recruiting Blogs :)

  • Maureen Sharib

    You're welcome Tim1
  • Slouch

    Hey Tim. Thanks for joining and leaving me a message. Let me know if you ever need any help with the system. Thanks
  • Amy Evans

    Yes it is!
  • Lisa

    Thank you for adding me as a friend Tim!
  • Jerry Albright

    Thanks Tim. I've been recruiting for 20 some years and always keeping up with technology. Somebody finally had to do something with the resume - and I'm the one who's done it! Hope you can check out the webinar if you're free!
  • Tim

    When is the webinar?
  • Mike Stallfus


    Yes you are not wrong. I am having trouble getting clients to call me back. Particularly frustrating when just weeks ago they had "urgent" needs.

  • Erica Jayne Walsh


    Are you still attending SourceCon? If so, any interest in networking offline?

    - Erica
  • Gary Corcoran

    Tim, I didn't know it was you until I saw your picture. Still almost as good looking as I am. How come I'm not listed under "Name someone you most admire??" (No answer required). I hope that all is well with you and your little person. Always my best regards, Gary.
  • Gary Corcoran

    Great video. A classic. Which job were you applying for??
  • Jill Rosenfield

    Hey Tim,

    Thanks for the add. I look forward to networking with you. I am in Atlanta, but unfortunately will not be attending SourceCon. I went last year and it was great. Enjoy yourself. I will look forward to hearing your thoughts on it. Jill
  • Claudia Faust

    Thanks for the thanks, Tim! Let me know if you can think of a suggestion for a topic to address in the "Wednesday Wisdom" column -- I'd love to hear it.
