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  • M A

    Hi Jason, thank you for bringing us all together at RecruitFest. It was a great success, as you have been told again and again :-)
    Thank you and to Michelle for inviting us to your beautiful home.
  • Alex

    Hey Jason, is Broadlook based in TO ? if they're hiring.. I'd LOVE to work with them !!
  • Jason Leonard

    I just wanted to take a moment and say great job on Recruitfest, Jason! I was very happy I attended and even more happy about Talent Maze being a sponsor. You can sign the company and myself up for Recruitfest 2. Again, great job!
  • Jerry Albright

  • Susan Kang Nam

    by the way, thanks for helping me out at your home. Both you and Michelle - it speaks volumes.. and appreciated Michelle's attention & smiles..all the way.. (by the way, do let her know that she inspired me to hit the gym again -- I need all that muscles and more ;) best ~ Susan
  • Paul

    That is excellent - I am not a native but it is home now! Lets see how we can help each other going forward. Good initiative on your part....well done!
  • Chris Limboo

    I am sorry, I thought I was posting the messages in different networks. Will do stop it at once. Please accept my sincere apologies.
  • Susan Kang Nam

    Hey Jason ~ congrats on getting the job board here on recruitingblogs - best!
  • Ryan Stene

    Nice! Congrats with the job board! We need to get that in Arbita so clients can streamline their HR req needs to!

    Talk to you soon!
  • Scott M. Rhoades

    My page says I have 13 friend requests, and to "click here" to view them, but I click it, and it only takes me to the top of "My Page", and says at the bottom "Done but with errors". I am also unable to do "friend requests" to grow my network. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

    Scott Rhoades
  • Pam Kortekamp

    Hi everytime I go to someones page I am getting a security warning on mozilla do you happen to know what that means?
    thanks Pam
  • Pam Kortekamp

    Hi any way we can incorporate a split board to split job orders and or candidates on the recruiting Job Board?
    most of the boards are charging a percentage of the fee? ie Bounty jobs...?
  • Robert Bialk

    Thanks for your offer of support and the welcome.
  • Alex

    Hi Jason, thanks.. I sent Rick my resume and expect to hear back in the next day or so. I'll follow up with him but if help needed, I'll be sure to nudge you. tx !
  • Matt

    Hey Slouch,

    I used to read your blogs when I was Jobster but have left to join Delve Networks, an online video platform that is known for our "Search Inside" the video and our easy to use UI.

    If you are looking for a branded player or a more player, I invite you to look at

    Site is great, btw, just wanted to drop you a line in case you decide to do something more with your videos.

    Matt Covington
  • David Jacks

    Happy New Year
  • Lizz

    Hi Jason,

    sorry, just posted a comment when should have been on my blog.

    Great to see you again at ONREC!
  • Lizz

    going well thanks, It strikes me as funny though that so many companies are looking for so many employees and they do not take cultural fit and authentic and congruent brand as a leverage point. We will keep spreading the word and hope some evolved HR - Marketing folks come together!

    See you at Kennedy? Orlando may never be the same.....
  • Tirtis

    hi there slouch. thanks for the comment to my blog. i posted another blog. i welcome your comments.
  • Kim



    I am a newbie here. Currently in the market for IT Recruiting work. Open for anything.

    This site seems pretty cool. I would like to network and get to know some people.


  • Kim

    Great! Thanks so much. So, is that you in the band?
  • Kim

    I saw a U-Tube video of a band, I thought is was you. Now I cant find it. :)
  • Kim

    It is on this site at the bottom left...
  • Michael Johnson

    Thanks Jason!
  • Frank Abrams

    I thought this was a US co.
  • Frank Abrams

    nice use of ning btw - Is this your main thing?
  • Janet Craig Holland

    So are you fine with us posting other types of jobs too besides HR and Recruiting - in case someone has a candidate and we want to split fees?
  • Michael Johnson

    Akken banner is animated, did you say no flash but we can rotate? or no animation at all?
  • Medical Recruiter

    I bet! I like it though because I pay one flat monthly fee (less than a Monster post) and I can post 5 jobs at a time that get picked up by all those other jobs sites (indeed, simply hired, etc). I can also upload my candidate list and send out a mass email blast (with mail merge capabilities so it is personalized) which includes a link to 1 or more of the jobs I am trying to advertise. I know there are probably more effective recruiting tools out there but it's kind of cool.

    Got any tips on other tools that might be helpful and affordable? I'd love your feedback.
  • Tony Petrucci

    Hey Slouch,

    How is the job board going?

    Any tips for users?

  • Rebecca Martin

    Hi Slouch, I just wrote a tips booklet called "83 tips on how to work with corporate and external recruiters. I was a recruiter and headhunter for 9 years and realized how many job seekers and people don't value or know the value of external recruiters i.e. staffing agency, headhunters, etc.. I want to help people who are looking for jobs and have never worked with recruiters, read this tips booklet. I have gotten a lot of great feedback on it and would love to share it with you and everyone else. Would you be willing to add a link to my site and blog on your site? I would love to send you a pdf sample of the tips booklet and even a hard copy. Where should I mail it to? Or email it to?
  • Jorrit Blok

    Hi Jason, I am doing fine, and how about yourself? Not sure, maybe the Kennedy conference. In any case will be in MSP later this fall. And open to suggestions (esp. warm area's) brrr...
  • Kelly Moeller

    Thanks a bunch! I appreciate the feedback.
  • Sue McKechnie

    Hi Jason,

    Would you be able to send me some advertising information. I know we spoke before about the percentage of Canadian content but now our company is branching out to the US and would be interested in knowing your rates for advertising on the site. Thanks so much!!
  • Nora and Olivia

    Hi Slouch,

    I saw in the domain group you have as a domain.

    Olivia and I have bought some recruiting domain names for our company in the past. Now our boss wants us to sell them because we sat on them. Please help us!!

    Seeing your domain post inspired us to write to you with our similar hopes you will want to buy them.

    They are:,,,

    Might you have any interest in these to compliment your existing portfolio???

    Do you think Scott Love might like these if you dont?

    We also have,, (misspell),,, and a few others Olivia and I have bought for our company over the years.

    Again, any help is greatly appreciated...thanks and keep up the great work.
  • Alex

    Hi JD,

    Can you contact Rick and see what's up ? I sent Amy an email in reply to her concern about paying me in Canada and haven't heard back.

    p.s. did you announce RF2009 ?
  • Peggy McKee

    I really enjoy the network that you have built here. To date, I have not been contributing to the blog on "my page". Is there an automated way to dump from my own blog to this one or is it the old "copy and paste" situation?
  • Susan Kang Nam

    Thx Jason ~ just sent u an email via
  • Michael Wolff

    Hi Slouch

    You have done a fantastic job here. Would you be interested in becoming the category leader in ki work for one or more of our recruitment categories?

    Ki work is a web platform that supports virtual outsourcing across 500 categories of expertise.

    We are looking for category leaders that are super connectors, specialists in their field, and trusted by their community.

    If interested, please contact me through
  • Ronda Evans

    YOU ROCK!! Thanks for all of your work on this site. Much appreciated.
  • Jerry Albright

    I am blind for some reason. I do not see the Reviews
  • Mark Bielecki

    Slouch - Thanks for the note. It does look like I stuck a short stick into a big hornet's nest. It is fun though.

  • Susan Burns

    Jason - rockin' tune with the kids! Love their version of Halleluljah. So much talent....I see a kids musical social network in the future....very soon!
  • Chad Sowash

    Dude it's Cheesman's skinny twin brother...
  • Chad Sowash

    Seriously, I now have a RecruitingBlogs ranking... Are we incorporating Amway next?
  • Margaret Graziano

    i need help uploading videos to recruiting blogs
  • Margaret Graziano

    how do I become a GOD like you??? seriously
  • Nora and Olivia

    Hey Slouch, Sorry for the delay...we got slammed and have not checked back.

    I conveyed this info to our boss and he would like to give you a call. His name is Dan. Thanks!! Olivia
  • Chris Gould

    Hi -I am going to be flying down to ere tomorrow. Look forward to meeting you. Save me a hat, I am going to need one soon.
  • Margaret Graziano

    Jason. We have a contest that we would like to run for the best video hiring horror stories. I have 5-10 videos to post.

    1. Issues - my system freezes when I try to upload. 2. How do we tally votes.

    The winner gets a flip video. I would like to use your venue to this contest versus any other medium. Let me know how it could work and what I need to do. thanks