Dennis Smith



United States

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Healthcare, Technology, Other
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  • Amberly Rogers

    I will def be there! I can not wait to meet everyone!
  • Dan Lockhart

    I was going to give it a shot Dennis. I have a few other Recruiters who might want to go as well. Do they need to be members of the site to come along, or can I bring them as guests?
  • Jeanette Brown

    When is it? Sorry, I just got back from vacation and I am slammed at work, so I have not had a chance to view anything yet. Can you give me the details?
  • Jeanette Brown

    I just scrolled down and saw it. This Thursday, right? I might be able to make it. Let me check my schedule.
  • Technical Recruiter Gal

    Dennis - I did not forget about calling you, promise! I just started chatting with my network and am already employed - just that quick! I start in an Account Executive role tomorrow with my new company in Addison. Unfortunatley, I can't make the recruiter meet up on TR as my son plays club soccer and has practice. However, keep me posted of future ones - would love to meet you and our other fellow Texans!
  • Jeanette Brown

    OK - I sent Amanada a note to say I should be there tonight if the weather isn't too awful!
  • Dennis Smith

    Great! Hey, we can brave a bit 'o snown, eh? Rain, sleet, snow, shine....I'm there!
  • Shelley Howell

    Hi Dennis....thanks for the invite...I live in Downtown Dallas...doubtful due to weather I will journey up there this evening...please keep me informed for the next meeting.

    Until then,

  • Dennis Smith

    Hi Shelley! I understand!!! We'll keep you posted,

  • Gerry Crispin

    You got it. I'll be there the day after returning from two weks in Tuscany.My Italian will be excellent...vino...chianti
  • Mattea Cirrincione

    Yes I will be in town and we should get together for sure!!! I would love to see you and catch up :)
  • Brad Remington

    Dennis, you can visit the new site at Let me know what you think, any suggestions, etc... I do plan on having a discussion forum and a candiodate section where they can apply directly to jobs. I would like this to be an all in one site. Our emailing invitations will start Wednesday. Delete Comment
  • Cynthia Paniagua

    Hi there Dennis and thanks for the invite! Unfortunately, i would have a pretty looooong commute (Live in San Jose, Costa Rica) but from the posts it looks like i missed a good time!
  • Tiffany Harvey

    Thanks, Dennis! See you at the next event!
  • Jamie Shimek

    Thanks! Always nice to see fellow Texans.
  • Peggy McKee

    Dennis, I am sorry I didn't respond sooner. I did not make this event. But please invite me to the next one. I want to meet some more Texas recruiters! Have a great day!
  • Doris J. Roberts

    Hello Dennis! Sorry it took me so long to respond. I am begining to explore RecruitingBlogs as a tool.

    ~~ Doris
  • Curtis Haynes

    Hi Dennis. Slouch pointed me in your direction as I am currently on the market for a recruiting/sourcing position. I was hoping to tap into your network and spread the word. Drop me a line!

  • Danielle Zittel Moseley

    Nice seeing you at the ERE Expo last week. You did a great job with the debate. :)
  • Moneik Lane

    Hello Dennis,

    Slouch told me you were someone I should reach out to, I'm pretty new to the industry but eager to jump right into it all...
    We are currently expanding our market and are getting ready to open a new office in the Dallas and Chicago area.

    I would welcome the opportunity to speak with you in more detail. Also, if you know of anyone who might be interested, feel free to pass my information along. Please contact me at the number or email address below. I look forward to speaking with you soon.

    Moneik McDonald 703-673-1511 ( )
  • Rob Daugherty

    All right......I'll give you a pass since you're such a busy guy. Just a reminder you owe me a call (and now a beer!!!). Catch ya soon, buddy.
  • Dave Staats

    I made you a practice video...trying to find email to practice sending :-)
  • Darrin Holbein

    Thanks Dave!
    I'm looking forward to what Mr. Ray has to say;
    I too am interested in what will happen.
    If there's anything you need, please let me know.
  • Michael Creighton

    Hey Dennis, Im new to the blog...just trying to build my network. Hope all is well.
  • Jim Canto

    Hey Dennis. I like that welcome gadget. I didn't even know that was there. Very cool. Sent you a friend request... shall we network?
  • Slouch

  • Isabel

    Hi Dennis,

    Would be great to have an insight about how searches and recruitment in SF is being done. Would like to explore in this area whether for recruitment or my own personal interest in research/recruitment area.

  • Joe Flores


    Hi! Thank you for the welcome note. I just realized I even had a comments section. Admittedly I have not played around on my blog as much [it has been so busy for me at the office].

    I'm happy to stay connected and welcome the opportunity to help where I am able.

  • Giles

    Hey Dennis,

    Totally like minded, love the mobile sector and please don't hesitate to recommend, friends or colleagues if they are looking for Work (Especially within Europe), but I do have a very high rpofile Biz dev in NY right now and need ideas???


  • Alex Truchot

    Thank you for accepting my invite. Please let me know if I can be of any assistance.
    If you would like to join my LinkedIn network, I accept all invitations.
    View Alex Truchot's profile on LinkedIn
  • Chris Bell

    Thanks Dennis
  • Brandon

    Hey bud - any chance for another try at another recruitingblogs event this summer?
  • Nancy Ford

    Dennis - Thanks for the nice words about my page! I appreciate it! I see that little gadget thing you have on your page and it had a "welcome Nancy Ford" on there - and it has a completely different picture than the one I have on Where does it draw that picture from? LOL
  • Jonathan Fest


    It's too bad that we didn't meet at Fordyce recently, what a great conference! We are 1st connections on LinkedIn and I hope to connect with you here to follow your future discussions.

    Good luck going out on your own..."the pursuit of happiness" is in there somewhere, right! Happy Independence Day:)

  • Joshua Letourneau

    D-Schmizzle, give me a ring if you don't mind. I'm working on a book regarding the fallacies of mgmt thinking and guru-groupthink (in all business functions, not just recruiting) . . . . and how winning today is more about the ability to think critically than implementing the latest siliver-bullet-du-jour.

    and I'd like to see if you'd be interested in sharing your thoughts and feedback with me about your experiences "in the trenches" running a TA function.
  • Ben Gregg

    Aha! That basically answers my question, since YouTube is one of those sites that my employer is currently blocking (I say currently, only because they recently allowed us access to Facebook and MySpace--which we previously didn't have either...!). Thanks!
  • Jonathan Fest

    "Egg"cellent Jamacian video;)

    I'm glad to part of your "dozen"!
  • Paul DeBettignies


    You have a few minutes to chat about

    I am looking to move on a long thought out idea about a Minneapolis job board/tech portal. Thinking about either Ning or build from scratch.
  • Slouch

    Hey dennis, got ffeatured on the Ning Blog
  • Denyse Diem

    Hello Dennis - Looking forward to meeting you at the Recruiters Roadshow!
  • Samuel

    Hi Dennise -
    I use to work fr US market 3 maonths back virtually from India, but left it but would like to know is there any way that still I can continue to work part time?
  • Susan Kang Nam

    Hey Dennis ~ It was great to meet you in person at Recruitfest.. and sharing your stories about your days at Samsung.. as well as yes.. I do want that little video flip LOL.. wait.. you are not "really" going to post that anywhere right? j/k .. it was wonderful getting to know you a little bit.. and sorry that I couldn't stay longer after your session as I was running late to catch the plane. Look forward to our next conversation!~ best, Susan
  • Slouch

    great video Dennis. thanks again for everything and your help
  • Slouch

  • Susan Kang Nam

    Hey Dennis - thx for suggesting Charlene's book "Groundswell" - we have been exchanging notes via Facebook & emails.. and plan on talking b4 my next board meeting end of Oct re: social media -- she is great. Best! Susan
  • Denyse Diem

    Dennis - the Recruiter Road Show really rocked! Thanks so much for all of your efforts - I really learned quite a bit! Looking forward to working with you in the future. I can say I knew him before he became a multi-millionaire!
  • Krislen Brown

    Hi Dennis,

    Thank you for adding me to your friends list. I look forward to networking with you. Have a safe and happy weekend.

    Warmest Regards,
  • Slouch

  • Casey J. Brinkman

    Hey Dennis,

    Thanks for the invite, I look forward to networking

    Casey Brinkman
  • David Jacks

    Hi Dennis,

    Long time no speak. I actually met Steve Levy last night and your name came up so it reminded me to follow up with you. Hope all is well with you and Have a great holiday and a prosperous 2009!

    Best regards,
    Dave Jacks

    Best Regards,
    Dave Jacks