
48, Male


United States

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  • Supriya Gidla

    I'm into sales and will work on our W2
  • Amrita Makhni

    Hi Sam,
    You ask... "Could you please provide me the scope of recruiting in NZ?" Do you mean jobs for recruiters? or what the market is like for recruiting people into jobs?

    I'll answer both briefly till you get back to me... :)

    Jobs for recruiters - plenty. Depending on what you want to do or which area you want to specialise in. There are posiitons availabel in various specialties like IT, finacne & accounting, Sales & Marketing, Engineering, education, health etc. In New Zealand, the trend is more towards specialisation in one area or another rather than being a generalist. However, there are agencies who service a whole gamut of industries but even they have specialist departments within themselves.

    As for what recruitment is like - talent shortage in two words if you ask me. Companies are nowadays focusing on or moving towards focusing on how to attract and retain talent. A lot more energy and resources are being diverted to the retention of top talent than ever before. Finding _good_ people is a challenge here as anywhere else.

    Depending on what really you were after, I can expand on these answers so let me know....

  • Ken

    hI sAMUEL,
    YOU deal with telecomm clients. I would like to network with you to work on your open positions