Amitai Givertz

West Palm Beach

United States

Profile Information:

First Name
Last Name
Country (Pick One)
United States of America
State (if Applicable)
Job Title (select one)
Which industries do you work in now?
Technology, All Industries, Financial, Industrial, Other, Services
How many employees work at your company?
B. 2-10
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  • John Rhine AKA JR

    Hello Ami,

    Thank you!
  • Lori S.

    Hi Ami,

    I feel as though I know you well already - Shannon and Julian are mutual friends! I worked with Shannon prior to her joining Hodes. And had the distinct pleasure of following the early development of exceler8ion! Glad to be part of this group - and excited about your involvement.

  • Dave Staats

    Any friend of Bill's is a...
  • Amy Hanak

    Hey Ami - Thanks for your note! I will be bringing my partner with me to the networking function at the HardRock at the end of May. Looking forward to meeting you then!

  • Franco

    Hi Ami, Thanks for your note and messages. I'll be there for the second session of Brown Bag Recruiter ( Miami or Ft Lauderdale, I'm flexible) See you soon!
  • Raoul Q


    Thanks for welcoming me; I look forward to future connections and participating in upcoming events.


  • Lisa Freeman

    Happy Wednesday to you just signed on Recruiter Blog. I noticed you work for AMG Management Advisors who I see is into creative talent management solutions. Do you see a need with your client base to engage offshore resources for projects?
  • Jim Farrick

    Hello--Thank you for the invitation, I wont be able to make it but I believe one of my associates will be attending. His name is Derek Zipp, Recruiter at Kunin Associates--recruiters for full time permanent placements in Accounting and Finance.
  • Sheree Ruland

    Thanks, Ami! Love your page here and I'm making sure we're connected on LinkedIn.
  • Sandy Lambert

    Dear Ami,
    Thank you for your welcome note, I would love to join the South Florida Metro Recruiters Group. Although I am an executive search researcher, I think that I might well benefit from it. Please tell me how to go about doing it.
    Thanking you in advance,
  • SueAnn

    Ami, thanks for reaching out to me. I'm new to so I appreciate the offer to help.
  • Ted Fitter

    Thanks for the invite. Unfortunately our vendor had a fatal server malfunction which disabled our email for the last couple of days. They saved the emails but I now have a new email address, Please send all future emails & newsletters to the new address. Look forward to getting together with you.
    Thanks for your help,
  • Susan Hand

    Thank you! I never win anything, so this is double pleasure.

  • John McAvoy


    Thanks for the welcome and direction..I look forward to networking with you and by all means if you hear about any recruiting opportunity, contract perm or virtual , let me know.

    I will send you my resume in an email...

    Just relocate so I'm getting familiar with the lay of the land..but need employment soon

    John cell 732-492-3272
  • Helena Baillio

  • Laurie

    Thanks for the warm welcome.
    Have a great weekend.
  • John Little

    Thanks for the invite. I may try to come out. I am brand new to the industry so as many contacts that I can make will be of great benefit!
  • Rick Ryan

    Hi Ami

    Thanks for contacting me. I am in recruiting professional in the Fort Lauderdale area with 10 years experience. I am networking with other professionals in the field as I search for a new position. If you know of any recruitment opportunities in the area, I would appreciate any leads or referrals. If possible, I would like to send my resume to you.


    Rick Ryan
  • Josette J Veltri

    Thank you
  • Colin McDonald

    Ami, this is a great referral. Thanks a lot and I look forward to communicating with you further.

  • Joshua Letourneau

    Ami, that was great :) I loved your comment, "Will the unscrupulous recruiters please contact me offline. I have a cool new persona for you in exchange for letting me know if your now real fake candidates get rejected for having Facebook profiles that depict them as drunken slobs or iPhone obsessive compulsives."

    Wow, I can see this happening when the client calls back and says, "Can I interview that candidate you sent to me unsolicited this morning?" . . . and then the recruiter replies, "Mr. Client, I have some really bad news. Normally, I'm not a big fan of doing extensive research on my candidates, but when I saw the following Facebook profile of that candidate, I had to end my relationship with them because we don't represent candidates who have obvious drug problems."

    What used to happen was that the unscrupulous recruiter would say, "I'm sorry Mr. Client but that particular candidate failed a drug check just 15 minutes ago . . . so in good confidence, I had to sever my relationship with them because my ethics and deep values would keep me from representing them to loved clients like you."
  • Doug Beabout

    Yes! Let us connect!
  • Kimberly

    Hello there! How are you?
  • David Sargeant


    Thanks for the welcome. I'm looking to network for business leads and also need to hire another 2-3 recruiters who can handle high volume recruiting. I am also looking for a good researcher for sourcing candidates and create reports from our ATS.
  • Karen Swim

    Hi Ami! Thank you for the LI invite! I am looking forward to networking. I'm working with a few talented executives on resumes, please let me know if you're in need of great candidates.

    Have an incredible and profitable day Ami! :-)
  • Paula Pirone

  • Sally Raade

    Aloha Amitai,

    I'm glad you're in this community! Have a great week!

  • Susan Kang Nam

    Thanks Amitai for the connection! Have a great weekend!~
  • krecruit

    Thanks for the welcome!!!!
    I look forward to seeing what this site is all about.
    Have a great day!!!!
  • Juli Van Der Meulen

    Hi Amitai,
    Thank you. I have never done a blog before this is my first time. Do you recruit and place pharmacists and PT's?
  • Medical Recruiter

    Excellent! Thanks for the info on the SFL Group!
  • Juli Van Der Meulen

    I actually don't have much of a voice today, one of my kids got me sick. The reason I aske is because that is what I place, therapists and hospital pharmacists.
  • Elisa Pineirua

    Ami, good morning. I recently joined this group following Dave Mendoza's recommendation. I am a human resources professional in transition conducting a search in South WPB, North Miami and Broward Counties (I live South of Boca). I have worked for Fortune 500 companies, I am fully bilingual, and looking for an opportunity supporting a business group and positioning them for growth and profitability through applying my people development skills.
    I joined this group to network with recruiters as this is such an important part of my functional role. I was wondering if you could tell me what the best method is to speak with this audience in the event they may be working on a position that matches my profile. Thank you in advance for your help.
    Kind regards, Elisa
  • James Cayuso

    Thanks Ami.... have a great day!
  • Leigh Major

    Hi Ami,
    Thanks for the email. Looking forward to networking with you!

  • Slouch

  • Amy Hanak

    Hi Ami! Sorry for not getting back to you last night...unfourtunetly my partner and I are not going to be able to make it to Brown Bag. We were invited to spend the morning onsite with a new client and cannot miss that opportunity. Hope to catch you next time!

    Amy Hanak
  • Terry

    Hi Ami, thanks for the comments on my Branding blog. I appreciate the feedback
  • Susan Kang Nam

    Hi Ami ~ did u call me this morning? ps - yes.. I am interested but quick question for you - re: cloud recruiting & ur brown bag seminars.
  • Susan Kang Nam

    Thank you Ami for your kind note.. I will definitely keep you posted ~ best wishes, Susan
  • miguel terrizzano

    "The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” Saint Augustine. => would have very much liked to have ran into you at the ERE Ami but as fate would have it. . .Is there a chance we may be able to catch up via phone?
  • Michael Marlatt

    ...yeah, i know, I've been severely slacking.
  • Dan Nuroo

    Hey Ami,
    Thanks for adding my post and group to your week that was post (made my day!) and for adding me as a friend on this.

  • Joe Gerstandt

    Nice to meet you!
  • Karen Russo

    thanks amitai!
  • Becky Metcalf


    All the support here on RBC is great, thanks for adding me as your friend!

  • Pierre Coupet

    Thank you for your warm welcome and offer of assistance. I look forward to working with you soon. Kindest regards,
  • Bill Radin

    Thanks for writing, for adding my video, and for your invitation to become friends, which I've accepted.

    Please keep up the good work!
  • Melissa Furtwengler

    Hello Amitai
    Thanks for the friendship.
    I just open a new group here Wanted Scientists
    that may be of interest to you and you may want to join.
    2009 could be a great year.

  • Jenn Asson

    Hello Amital,
    Thank you for the information to my blog on training and offering to assist with networking. I'm always up for help with networking with others so any information or advice you can give I truely appreciate it. Please don't hesitate to reach me for anything.