Jim Durbin

50, Male

Dallas, TX

United States

Profile Information:

Which industries do you work in now?
All Industries, Conglomerates, Consumer Goods, Financial, Healthcare, Services, Technology, Utilities
LinkedIn Profile
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Facebook Profile

Comment Wall:

  • Slouch

    Hey Jim.
  • Slouch

    Hey Jim, You have a lot of friends.
  • Carl Chapman

    Hey Jim, thanks for the invite to be friends! -Carl
  • David Perry

    Jim, thanks for the invitation. i really enjoy stlrecruiting.
  • mattmartone


    Whats up buddy? I may have two recruitment blog leads for you. Ill be in touch once i know for sure that they want to speak to a consultant.

    All the best.

  • Paul Jacobs

    Thanks for adding me as a friend. I will take a look at your blogs.

  • Erika Seitz

    Hi Jim,
    I am new to the blog world... but wondered if you would be able to help me out... I am looking for advice on writing my resume in a way that would look good for someone wanting to fill a recruiting position... would you be willing to help? Thanks, erika.
  • Slouch

    That was a nice post you put on your blog about Dave.
  • Brad Hogenmiller

    It was a pleasure meeting you last month Jim, hopefully we'll be doing business together soon!
  • Cherese DeJesus

    Hi Jim, I'm new to this site and I'm looking forward to networking and sharing ideas!

  • Alisha Smith

    Hi Jim, you mentioned in the chat function that you are going to get yourself an ATS and make some money! How are you searching for an ATS vendor? Thanks!
  • Tektree Gopi

    Hi Jim,

    I am looking forward to welcome you as my connection in RecrutingBlogs.com
    Are you on LinkedIn.com - Stay Connected-
    View Gopi Srini Tektree [gopi@tektreesystems.com]'s profile on LinkedIn
    Link by gopi@tektreesystems.com
    Let us start our relationship with my Firm Air Handshake.

    Thanks in Advance.

    PSave trees. Print Only When Necessary.
  • Jim Durbin

    Seann - can't complain - typing this from my new office, and I'm back recruiting at socialmediaheadhunter.com
  • Tektree Gopi

    Hi Jim

    Could u add me as a friend, I would like to send you a message.


    Hi Jim,

    I would like to add you my network.

    Looking forward to discuss a freelancing opportunity.

  • Scott Love

    Hi, Jim. Do you still have that facebook resource available for purchase? I'd be interested in checking that out. Also let me know if you are intersted in having me feature your training on my site. I'm putting a resource for other trainers on my recruiter training site, www.recruitingmastery.com. I'd be interested in talking with you about this.
    Take care,
    Scott Love
  • Ian Millar

    add me to your webinar list for myspace recruiting. i've had a little success there, so I'm interested in learning more.
  • Maureen Sharib

    Paid to blog? Sounds like a dream job.
  • Susan Kang Nam

    great to connect to you.. ~ oh? hmm... I didn't know you were on twitter.. :) if you are.. I will be happy to follow. Will you be at Recruitfest? All the best, Susan
  • Jim Durbin

    Not at recruitfest - but on twitter at smheadhunter
  • Rob Clarke

    Hey Jim, read your blog- James Green from St. Louis just joined as I told him your contest- he is a long time IT recruiter- great guy- hope you two can connect. Have a great week, thanks Jim!
  • Karen Whipple

    Hi Neighbor! Thanks for the invite. Most of my recruiter friends are in Kansas but I have a few in Missou. Even a couple out by you. BTW - love the blog!
  • Elaine Basham

    Hi, Jim - thanks for reaching out - looking forward to getting to know Missouri recruiters!