Shally Steckerl

, Male

Norcross, GA

United States

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  • Paul Lovallo

    Hey Shally
    Hope all is well!

  • Jon Ligon

    What's up dude. Hope all is well. Stay in touch (in your spare time)
  • Srinivas

    Hi Shally,
    Do you have the next clue to find Harry from this Pic??
  • Jim Mathieu

    Many thanks Shally, you're the best!
  • Slouch

    Hey Shally, I forgot to include a link in my email to - I'm sorry. it was a mistake. All those tinyurls can confuse the brain
  • Dina Karau

    Thank you Shally!
  • Amitai Givertz

    Shally, thanks for the A Recruiter’s Advanced Cheat Sheet Sampler and for sharing the love!
  • Tektree Gopi

    Sally, Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge & work.

    It's stupendous., I really appreciate it.
  • bill josephson

    Having trouble with the command.....where on my keyboard is that straight line between "resume and intitle?"

  • Russell S. Moon III

    Shally, Thank you for sharing "A Recruiters Advanced Cheat Sheet Sampler" with everyone in the Recruiting Blogs Community. A very handy "best of" reference I'll use. Looking forward to seeing you at ERE...woot !

    Bill the "pipe" is located just above your enter key on your keyboard press the shift key as you depress it and you will have your "pipe".
  • Jill Kennedy

    Hey Shally! Since we're connected on Linked In, I'd like to connect here as well! Have a great week!
  • Mary Ellen Indovina

    Thank you Shally for the "A Recruiters Advanced Cheat Sheet Sampler". You continue to share information and raise the bar.
    We appreciate it! Mary Ellen Indovina
  • Peter Murray

    Shally, this is out of the recruiting arena, but you seem to be a bottom-less source of information. My wife owns a broadcast voicemail business for political organizations..some refer to it as "robo calls". Do you know a cyber place where she could advertise to those involved with politics...local, state or national? Thanks for you advice.

    How's the baby? Grow fast, they do!!

  • Cynthia Stokvis

    Thank you for all you do for Recruiters! I appreciate the Advanced Search Engine Search String sampler you sent to members of today. Just wanted to acknowledge your thoughtfulness....
  • Jerry Miller

    Shally, thanks for sharing the Advanced Cheat Sheet sampler. Appreciate the support.
  • Shally Steckerl

    Everyone: Thank you so much for the warm comments! I'm honored to be here and look forward to participating! As you all know I'm about "open sourcing" and love to share when I find new stuff. I've even created my own group here on RecruitingBlogs, check it out:

    Srinivas: I'm terribly sorry but I don't have a clue I can give you for the Sourcecon challenge! You see, I have nothing to do with the challenges, and in fact I will not be attending, supporting or participating in Sourcecon at all.

    Bill: As Russ wrote it its the "pipe" symbol and its located on your keyboard half way between the Enter key and the Backspace key. It may appear as a brokedn or "dashed" vertical line on many laptop models.

    Peter: Sammy Jo is doing great! She's almost double her weight in three months! Look at these photos: As for the political sites, that's not an area I'm faimilar with but I can tell you the political blogs would welcome a few advertising dollars! Here's a nice list of political blogs: Also make sure she puts a link to her business from her LinkedIn "Websites" section - and you can also do the same for her. Its a great way to generate traffic.
  • bill josephson

    Thanks, Shally--never knew what that was between ebter and backspace.

  • Asif Akhtar Nizami

    Hi Shally, I have received a PDF sampler from Jason C/O RecruitingBlogs. Thank you very much for sharing this wonderful knowledge.
  • John Muller

    Hi Shally, thanks for the information. Any guidance on using the LinkedIn hack correctly would be appreciated.

  • Shally Steckerl

    John which hack is giving you trouble?
  • John Muller

    Shally, the one mentioned on the PDF sampler for LinkedIn. I am not receiving any results when I use it. My guess is I am not entering the information into the proper fields.
  • Brad Zirulnik

    Hey Shally,

    Thanks for the invite!

  • Amy Richman

    Hi there Shally,

    Thanks so much for the invite to CyberSleuthing. I have my whole team engaged. Love the cheat sheet too!

    Hope you're doing well!

  • Joni Fisher

    It is an honor to join your RecruitingBlogs network. Thank you for the invitation and I look forward to your "golden nuggets" of knowledge!

    Kind regards,

  • Rajkumar

    Hi shally,

    I am not sure if you'll have a chance to respond to my comment but I want to bring to your notice that I am interested in learning more about this industry as I have a chance to work with a lot of Clients at one single point of time. Your thought and your opinion would help me a lot to learn more and more in this space. I hope you'd help me to be an expert in this space
  • Jim Teeter

    I am looking forward to 3 minutes inside Shally's head. Thanks for all the great Resources.

  • Cindy Anderson

    Thanks for the "Cheat Sheet Sampler" you sent out 3/24 --- very, very good! Most I already knew but was good refresher and you had a few combo's I hadn't tried or thought of yet --- thanks again --- appreciate it.
  • Greg Z. Manson

    Thank you so much for your invite and I'll be putting your cheat-sheet to good use :-)
  • Tektree Gopi

    Hi Shally,

    First of all I would like to thank you for all your efforts in helping fellow recruiters on how to source effectively. I read couple of you articles & watched the videos.

    You are Simply Great.

    My Wishes to you. It's my privilege & honor to have you on my Network in I'm in to your first stage of your profession (Contingency) IT Staffing.

    My Firm Air Handshake to you., Thanks once again for all your help.

    Tektree Gopi.
    PSave trees. Print Only When Necessary.
  • Slouch

  • Jhanina Santiago


    Thank you for the cheat sheet! I sent you an email to your hotmail account. Hope you received it.

    Take care,
  • Dhruv Chokshi

    Heyy Shally, everyones talking about "The Cheat Sheet", I am dying to get my hands on that...

    - Dhruv.
  • Caitlin Perez

    Hi Shally,

    I was told that you are the "go to" guy for searching/sourcing advice. :) I am looking to expand and advance my search techniques and would like to connect with you. If you have any advice or tips on how I can learn more I would greatly appreciate it!

    I look forward to connecting with you!

  • Slouch

    It's nice to be able to announce these things. congrats. See you on the radio tomorrow at 12:30 pm est
  • Shally Steckerl

    In case you are wondering what Slouch is talking about here's a few links:
  • Cora Player


    Thanks for your time and advice on Magic Method today.

  • Shally Steckerl

    Thanks Maren and Cora!
  • Susan Kang Nam

    Hi Shally -
    Thanks for your email! I will keep you posted on my progress...
    All the best, Susan
  • Susan Kang Nam

    Thanks for the add Shally~ and for the summary page link via twitter.

    All the best!~

  • Shally Steckerl

    No problem! For those of you who didn't get it - the webinar is summarized and the PDFs available (including the handouts) here:
  • TZ

    Hi Shally,

    I just watched one of your interviews. You are fabulous! I want to be you when I grow up! :0)
  • Judy golden

    Can I consider I am skilled hacker when I am expert with boolean search strings and can identify the hard to find people in their online homes?
  • Shally Steckerl

    I don't know about being a skilled hacker but a skilled sourcer has the ability to find anything that can be found A) online or B) though calling someone and ethically eliciting the necessary information :)
  • James, CPC

    great webinar last week on The Top Echelon Network! Thanks.
  • Kristen Durkin

    Hey Shally!

    I hope you had a Happy Birthday! You know us, always late :)

    ¡Feliz Cumpleaños!
  • Kristen Durkin

    P.S- We recently used the youtube video you have posted in our presentation at the Pinnacle Society; it was a hit!
  • Dr Simon Harding

    Shally, you helped me a great deal when I first came to Linked In. Hope you will connect with me here too.
  • Dr Simon Harding

    Thanks for accepting !
  • Dr Simon Harding

    Thanks for joining APAC Recruiters. Please feel free to join my Think Oil ! group here and also the LATAM Recruiters group.Have a great day !
  • Jennifer LaVigne

    Shally- How do I search for RN's online again? I tried to click the link and played with keywording..not as successful as you did!:) Whenever you get the chance- I would appreciate the help:)