Kevin Vaughn


Hawthorne, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Which industries do you work in now?
Healthcare, Other
LinkedIn Profile

Comment Wall:

  • Donna Welch Mast

    Thank you Kevin - of course I would be interested. Although I am not looking to relocate to Los Angeles. Please email me at or call me at 781-545-6370 any time from Tuesday on. Enjoy your day today.
  • Bruce B. Piggott

    During the 80's I was an old timer and when took a job as the Manager of the IT Permanent group at Robert Half in LA. Just started this medical permanent practice and recieved my first 17K fee recently. I am an old school pre internet cold call recruiter so I have alot to learn about modern methods. Happy to split placements with you. (The guy that closes billed the deal and faxs a copy of the client's check plus a 50% of that to the other guy. Sound good.) Almost anything in Houston you have can be done at the Director or above level. Maybe over time you can get me into the 21st century. I'm trying to be a new beliver in the (Mike Gionta) business method. Bruce Piggott/Houston Medical Search Staffing 713-855-5100
  • Donald Whitworth

    Hello Kevin,

    It was nice to hear from you. Yes, I am open to splits. My standard arrangement on all splits is 50/50, payable when money is received from client and copy of check from client. Tell me more about yourself, company and split program.


  • Randi Evans

    I would be open to discussing splits with you, 50/50, payable as soon as 15 days from start date and no later than 90 days.
    If you would like to further discuss, please reach out again!

  • Todd Kmiec


    Thanks for reaching out. Yes, we are open to working together. We handle only the client side of the business so all of our placements are splits with someone else handling the candidate side. If you have an interest in partnering in this way, send me an e-mail direct to and I can answer any questions you have.

    Todd Kmiec.
  • Scott Anglin

    yes I would be interested, please provide more information and lets talk. My email address is or I look forward to speaking with you to discuss this further.
  • Vipul Agarwal

    Hi Kevin,

    Thanks for reaching out. We are based in India and can you help you in any requirements that you have in Asia-Pac for healthcare workers. We can also help you find great candidates in the Medical Devices domains.

    If your clients are open to hiring H1 then we can even possibly help for US based requirements.

    I am available on
  • C. B. Stalling!!

    not sure how i changed the backround i was just folloing around with it...I will go back and see if I can remember...
  • Sean Moloney


    Sorry it took so long, I haven't checked this site in some time. My experience and expertise would be IT Staffing for a number of verticals including in a small part health care so I don't know how much help I would be....but I am certainly willing to try

    Please email me at if you are still looking for assistance
  • Sudip

    pls. send me your job description and your contact details.

  • Laurence Williams, PHR, MPA

    Kevin, my buisness partner and I are interested in doing 50-50 Splits. Contact me at if you are interested.

  • Ronnie Lazzarini

    I am interested in doing split business. I saw your LinkedIn profile and would like to know more. I can be reached at 970-377-0404.
  • Dick Smith


    It's obvious I don't spend a lot of time on this website since I'm responding to a September posting. Send me an email message if you would at and let's see if we can find some common ground.

  • Abhin Desai

    Greetings Kevin,

    I am Abhin from CA Just new to this website and saw your profile so thought to add you as a friend.

    Thanks Abhin 15712867404

  • PhSharon

    Hi, Kevin! Lets talk when you get a second......