
Saint Paul, MN

United States

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  • Allen

    Statistics and demographic trends are very clear: Healthcare field and employment marketplace are at the precipice of major changes. With Baby Boomers retiring en mass, followed by a much smaller cohort of talent; people living longer while relying more on rapidly evolving medical and biometric technologies and medical professionals; challenging economy and healthcare reforms will all continue to dominate the headlines and political debate for a long time to come. This presents unique challenges and opportunities in the marketplace. 

    Blackbird Personnel, LLC is a national executive search firm dedicated to successfully connecting mid to upper level health care professionals and employers in order to assure successfully placed and retained staff and the company's continued business success. Our services are provided with the utmost confidentiality, and are based on the principals of trust, integrity, and best standards and practices, achieved only by developing a strong and lasting  relationship with you – our customer! 

    Our staff are nationally certified professionals with advanced degrees and years of experience in the healthcare field, HR and business administration. We have first-hand understanding of current and evolving challenges and have successful track record in program development, hiring, training and supervising of credentialed, professional staff members.

    We will help you to quickly and successfully fill your critical vacant positions. For job seekers, we offer you in-depth consultation and advocacy to find a position that will best fit your personality, skills and career goals. At Blackbird Personnel, we participate in a nationwide network of healthcare affiliates with access to cutting-edge technology that allows us to provide you with powerful resources and outstanding results.

  • Teresa R. Bustamante, PHR, ACIR

    Hey you!