Laurie Gentile


Huntersville, NC

United States

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  • Laurie Gentile

    Thanks! I was wondering about that. It sounds like everyone really likes the new building. How are things with your job?
  • Meg Campbell, CIR, CDR, ACIR

    Yes, the new building is in a great location! Many employees shop on their lunch break, and it is very close to the Sheridan hotel, where you are all staying :) The lobby is my favorite, very nice wood and tile lay out. We finally have a receptionist too; I actually recruited her when she was looking to rent my apartment...small world! The rest of the floor still has some construction planned for the future (i.e. we will be building out one section in the near future and there are currently three different types of carpet that will hopefully be changed to one nice one :) haha)
    I am doing well. I was the Team Lead for the EDJ project, but once that pilot closed [end of February] I transitioned into an Implementation role. I am currently implementing Qualex and Kodak Gallery (sister companies of Kodak) and once they launch I will be Program Mgr and Lead Recruiter until the programs are handed off to some one else. I am learning a lot though, so it is fun...I wish the clients were moving a little faster...[typical] :)

    How are you doing?

    PS- in order for me to get the notification of your message, you need to go to my page and leave a comment. This site takes a little time to get used to, but once you get your barrings I think you will enjoy it! :)
  • Jim Canto

    Networking with medical and healthcare professionals and recruiters? Don't forget to join the Medical and Health Care Recruiter Group here on Recruiting blogs. This link will take you there:

    I also sent you a friend request.
    Hope to see you there soon.
