T.Reed Gary

68, Male

Augusta, GA

United States

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Which industries do you work in now?
Healthcare, Services, Technology
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  • T.Reed Gary

    Fay..Fay...Come this way & stay here a while on Vac-a (tion). We need the H2O!!!!!
  • Samuel M Hanna

    Hello Bother Gary,

    I am a CAT III linguist working currently working in Iraq. Can you help me get a job in Augusta? I have been working in Iraq for 4 years and would like to get back to the states. Your help will beappreciated.

    Both of us admire Jesus Christ!! God Bless you

    Samuel Hanna
  • Maya Walker

    Hi T. Reed! Thanks for the invite. I'm already on here. Come and visit my page and leave a post!