Mike Lavoie

, Male

Pembroke, Ontario


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Which industries do you work in now?
Government, Healthcare

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  • Mack Will


    Are you trying to get me a job :...

  • Mike Lavoie

    Will: Yes- I have a few recent local job applications that are pending an interview - as I know I have been screened in - yet I understand this two organizations (Fed. Gov't) are very slow in their staffing process. If nothing materializes by spring/ early summer, I take action towards self-employment. Also I have been exploring a start up home-based business in the HR field with my mentor/ coach. I am also working with a senior HR Talent national manager/ Mentor (HRPAO - Eastern Ontario) to determine which niche market I will focus on. Cheers Mike
  • Rachel Francis

    My company is hosting a Health Care Career Fair on January 14th in Miami Lakes. We also publish a Health Care Guide that gets distributed throughout the state of Florida. Please let me know if you would like more information.


    Rachel Francis