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Here for our first session on the future of recruiting with Steve Levy

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Tools that might be coming to help us recruit better,
-Using social media tools to engage jobseekers
-lots of talk on how to bring human touch to new tools
Test- instead of auto text response use video to make a bit more personal
In 12 months Bullhorn says radar feature will improve Reach allowing recruiters to manage your network and know who to keep on radar (interesting)
The idea is that new tools will offer a time saving for recruiters
What is keeping recruiting from improving?

Questions if hiring process is broken
Is HR standing in the way
What is a real partnership w recruiter and hiring manager is it a two way conversation
Jeff Moore - sharing great insights on how Google goes about recruiting and how involved hiring managers are w recruiters. Sounds like open communication and good partnerships.

Due to such growth google adopted this style years back and it works
How might politics impact recruiting......
- if major changes you will see job seekers jumping in large numbers
- the impact of regulations

We are producing people with degree not work - global issue
Track 2 mobile recruiting
One problem is that mobile apps differ from what you see on normal screen. So question is what do you want to achieve in mobile space?

There is a lot to be created- still wide open
Mobile changes how people job hunt from Bill Boorman

-early morning, coffee break, lunch, after hours are the spikes of usage
- as recruiters we want to be sure we are in those channels when candidates are
Mobile- everyone has one.....not the same w PCs

-txt messages are read quicker than emails
- millenials do not check emails
- caution that some are more sensitive with txt spam
The easier you make it for people to apply to jobs is where mobile will really work
Track on video technology and how you can make a message go viral and how this can work for recruiters.

Cost is no longer a huge barrier
Use your Facebook page as your crm......

If they do not get the job you still want to keep a level of engagement and fan page can help with that.

No need to bog down the ats

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