The Downside of Sourcing

I’ve seen several inquiries on the boards lately about people wanting to start sourcing businesses and I’ve noticed more than a few people who in the past called themselves “recruiters” are now referring to themselves as “sourcers” (strategic sourcers, name generators, power sourcer - you name it – the Industry seems to have developed quite a few titles in the last year or so!) Mainly the posts about starting sourcing businesses seem to be from recruiters who, I think maybe are looking at sourcing as an easier and more productive field to segue into now that recruiting revenues are headed south.

NOTHING could be further from the truth! I blame myself for part of this – I have a tendency to make things look and sound easy (part of my advice to my MagicMethod trainees is to never complain) and as I have been so vocal on the subject these past few/many years I’m thinking it’s about time we set the record straight!

Beyond that, starting a sourcing business is like starting any other kind of business - it takes GUTS and Tenacity. Denyse Rattan-Diem asked on TH in the MagicMethod Phone Sourcing Classroom Chat:

"I am new to sourcing - just trying to decide if it's a good field for me and my natural talents. I have to love my job or else I can't perform well. This all sounds good. What's the down side?"

I thought it would make an interesting topic so next week we're going to talk about it in the T and (maybe) Th classes here on the MagicMethod network. I hope you join us on the Main Page in Chat at noon (EST)!

Attend the MagicMethod Phone Sourcing All Day Seminar in Miami, FL on September 4 at the Shane Center sponsored by Confisa International Group. Email for registration form or call him at 513 899 9628. Seats are $325 and INCLUDE lunch AND a three month subscription to the seminal "Magic in the Method" telephone names sourcing course. Register early for a 10% discount!

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The following are a couple notes that have been sent through the various groups I posted this notice in - read them and think about what these experienced sourcers are saying - this is ALSO part of your Class Preparation!
I can't always get in on the chat sessions, and I just want to add and maybe Maureen can expound upon what I say here during her session, but please listen to her....She wants anyone to be their best, do their best and be happy with what they do, but sourcing is still such an enigma that you must be clear on purpose. I work in a corporate environment and am helping to put a sourcing process in place with the help and guidance and assistance from a very supportive director and another amazing sourcing. I, myself, do not claim to be an amazing sourcer, but I do know the value of a strong sourcing team working with a strong recruitment team. Maybe I am more of the process, project management type, and I spend a lot of time reading about what has led to the ultimate downfall of other teams, not the least of which is that recruiters often think they know or want to source without understanding the power of/and misunderstanding the activities involved.

There is nothing easy about it. Data points here:
1. You will always be called to task for your value
2. You will always be called to task for you time and productivity
3. You will have to explain what you do 100 times to people at all levels, and then....
4. When you work on actual projects, you will have to explain your purpose again.
5.......and again......
6. You must help to define your pupose and set goals because you don't 'own' the requisition--Maureen can explain that better than I ...but suffice it to say....
7. You don't get near enough info to put together a strong sourcing plan/strategy, sooooo
8. You have to get sassy and almost pushy about getting the info....and remember you have to get it because
9. You have to define your purpose and set goals to see success--planning ahead is needed, training and strategy are needed...

I work for a very supportive boss who wants the team to succeed. We work under the best of conditions, and there are still challenges..

If you are going out on your own:
1. find a mentor
2. find a mentor
3. find a sourcing brainstorming group
4. Listen to your mentor!
5. Listen to your mentor!

I hope this helps. Maureen, LOL---I know you know how tough it is....and you know our story and where we have been and where we are going. ~ Elizabeth

Great advice Elizabeth!!!! Sourcing is not easy. I have been sourcing for more than ten years and still find myself struggling at times to come up with the right approach. You have to be creative and aggressive and, as Elizabeth pointed out, you can only be successful when you have a supportive recruiting team and manager working with you. It isn't something you just do. Sourcing requires skill and instinct and it is not for everyone. You have to work at becoming a successful sourcer. It is rewarding and I wouldn't trade my profession for any other, however, after all this time, it can still be challenging at times. ~ Barb Mendoza

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