So as most of you can hopefully tell, there is a new look for, there are some issues with respect to certain things on the page not showing properly ( the menu bar) but I'm working on it and I hope to have it done soon.

I like the new look. I like it a whole lot better than before. I'm interested in your feedback as well. Please feed it back to me.

One of the changes as of today is that the feature daily content is not front and center but rather on the right hand side. It now shows up on every page instead of the first. It also give me more flexibility to put things on the front page and one of the things I like about is that it changes often so this fits with that.

There are some things I am working on now that I think will make this place more and more interesting over time. For me, part of the attraction to this site is that it does change and new things appear. I am committed to making this the best place for you and for me of course.

It's also interesting to note that there are now so many recruiting related Ning sites popping up. I am not surprised by it and I am not unhappy about it. what I do want though is to figure a way to limit the fatigue that is/will set in amongst all of us members of the networks. I have some ideas but will wait until it is clear that the administrators of these networks are interested in making the experience for everyone a little bit better. We will all have to give up a little in order to gain a lot. I'm interested. let me know. I'm around.

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I'm interested. Let me know. I'm around.
ok then. A good start.

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