I am just curious to see if anyone remembers what it is like to have a weekend. I think I used to have weekends but I cannot rightly recall when and just exactly how wonderful they were. Today is "hump day." Meaning we are in the middle of the week, ready to climb that mountain that is the work week and be on the downside, which is where most of us will be by this afternoon. One thing I have learned in this business/industry, that much like law enforcement, I am always on duty. Weekends seem to be a figment of my imagination.
In particular, if you have a home office or even a PDA that is "connected," you will never be too far
from the office, which keeps you consistently connected to your work,
always on duty. Somebody once said to me, "You know Rayanne, weekends are meant for relaxing..." as I was driving from one event to another, all while checking my emails and speaking to a client. Sometimes, it seems like the weekends are more busy than the work week, because the work week is more structured and my time is strictly accounted for.
So, here's the thing... I think social media is amazing. The new media and marketing tools available for each of us to use daily are quite remarkable but the ability to access them anywhere and anytime can be quite taxing and overwhelming. It tends to dig into an evening, as well as, weekends. I guess it is my fault because I let it. Balance. Gaining the balance and balancing the gain. A mantra that I try to constantly live by.
Learning to find balance is one of the most difficult things that a workaholic must master. Hello, my name is Rayanne and I am a virtual workaholic. There is a 12-step program but it is only available online, which kind of defeats the purpose, eh? I leave my office and close the door but always, in my hot little hand, is my truly splendiferous PDA which keeps me connected and ready to rock and roll at all times
(thanks to Pandora and iTunes.)
Back when I worked part-time and my children were little, I would say that I was a part-time service provider, full-time mom and over-time wife. Now my children are almost grown, I am no longer married and I work about 70 hours a week. My time is valuable, your time is valuable. If you do not place value on it, neither will anyone else. A battle is daily waged for your attention, for my attention,
who will win?
by rayannethorn