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  • Jennifer Ciaccio

    Hi!! Thanks for the Add!! I look foward to doing some networking with you!
  • Ed Johnson

    Wow, I have learned so much already and connected with some very interesting and knowledgeable members.

    Thanks for your efforts to provide a great resource.
  • Jamie Shimek

    Thanks for all the info and tips! Still trying to figure out how to change the layout and info...but I will get there! If I can create other pages, I can do this!
  • Meg Campbell, CIR, CDR, ACIR

    Thank you. Great site - I look forward to networking with fellow recruiters. I am very impressed with what you have started here! :)
  • Bill Vick

    Jason - I'm running the feed through feedburner.

    I just checked it and seems to work for me.
  • Vicki Z. Lauter

    Thanks for the invite! I look forward to seeing you on recruitingblogs1
  • Kendra

    Thanks! He is my 2nd English Mastiff. His name is Mowgli!
  • Erica Mueller, PHR

    Thank you! And thanks for connecting with me:)

    ~ e
  • Robb Olson

    Funny you should mention that about John! He was on the green team... the black team ended up beating his team in the TUG O' WAR to win the Accololympics! John was probably off behind a trying consoling himself! I will let him know you say hello - he is a great guy! Look forward to connecting with you more and more in the days ahead!
  • Claudia Faust

    Thanks for the comment -- and for the help!! I just jumped into the blogging pool this morning, and am really enjoying this community. You do a great job of encouraging connection.
  • Kevin Kermes

    Thanks much - I am looking forward to it!
  • Jacob Conway -

    This is a group I started just a few months ago to help recruiters meet F2F with other recruiters in their virtual network. Check it out. is a destination dedicated to expanding your professional network, facilitating career advancement, and promoting the collective sharing of best practices within the field of professional recruiting. By the end of 2008, the Networked Recruiter will be hosting free recruiter networking events in 85 different cities across the United States in addition to expanding into Europe, Canada, Australia, and across Asia.
  • Joshua Letourneau

    Slouch, hey hook me up - how do I RSS feed this to my blog or the one I write for Fast Company?

    Hey, btw, this site acts oddly with loading pages on both my IE, Opera, and Firefox . . . do you hear that often?
  • Joshua Letourneau

    Thanks, Slouch - actually, I was hoping to pipe here instead of vice-versa, but I'm open to whatever. I just learned via the "Do you deserve your high school diploma" quiz on Facebook that I scored an 80%, barely passing. Wow :) Delete Comment
  • Joshua Letourneau

    Cool, will do. I just learned that I'm "boderline mentally retarded" through the Facebook 'verbal IQ test', so I better quit while I'm ahead.
  • Madeline Tarquinio Laurano

    Hi Jason- Your site is awesome! Just got to San diego yesterday- looking forward to seeing you tomorrow
  • Eric Forrer

    Nice work for a slouch, looking good so far.


  • mattmartone

    Dude. I out lasted you in poker! Next year I taking you out personally.
  • Tektree Gopi

    Hi Slouch,


    First of all I would like to thank you for all your sincere effort by bringing all the Recruiter's under the same roof with this Recruiting Blog.

    Let me invite you to pay a visit to my profile as well and to connect to my network on Recruiting Blogs.

    I'm always open for professional networking especially in IT Staffing.

    Some background on what I do.....

    Technology Recruiter work with Direct Clients & Tier-I Vendor's for Temp(Contract) Positions.

    I am looking at gaining assistance from connections who can supply me any Technology positions from their Direct Clients.

    If I can ever be of assistance to you, please don't hesitate to contact me directly.

    There may not be any immediate need or opportunity for now for us to work together but I hope there will be one in the future, be it business or career opportunity.

    I am sure we will find mutual benefit by being connected directly which will also enlarge both of our views of the greater Recruiting Blogs network.

    I am looking forward to welcome you as my connection.

    Let us start our relationship with my Firm Air Handshake.

    Thanks in Advance.

    Best Wishes,
  • Joshua Letourneau

    Souch, congrats on the charity raisings. That's good stuff. Hey, let me know something: is it better here to post in the 'forum' or in our blog? I already have a blog that my clients go to (sorry, but fellow recruiters don't pay the bills if you know what I mean!), but I can't RSS the posts over to here. Any thoughts?
    P.S. One more question: the people on the featured area (top) of the page each day are the same we always see . . . I mean, they're cool, but where's the innovation and new blood? I'm burnt out on the same old stale-toast value props I see, meaning repetitive non-differentiated sales pitches and the same people competing in the same old shark-infested waters of "me-too" products. I'm just one person, but I'm with Einstein that "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Thoughts?
  • Joshua Letourneau

    Sounds great, Slouch - get some sleep and drink a Red Bull with some Goody's headache powder :)
    I'm hoping that some will see my question from a point of positivity - it's easy to think 'new ideas' (i.e. the bad word, "change") is a challenge to the 'old-guard', but I don't mean it that way. Perhaps a little spinkle of new (on top of the old) would be cool . . . I mean, of course not too much content from what seems like it's coming from a Mars Rover, but maybe half way (like a moon trip - not quite Mars, but a little bit out there so as to stimulate thought) :)
  • Martin Burns

    I heard about the poker debacle - we need to get Russ out to ERE again, just to show people that Zoom's a poker machine :)
  • Martin Burns

    that, or we hire a ringer. wonder if phil ivey has any product management chops...
  • Curtis Haynes

    Thanks for the leads! :)
  • Ben Gotkin

    Sweet! One of many highlights of the conference this week. Thank you again for everything!
  • Erica Mueller, PHR

    That was hilarious! I do see the similarities:)
  • Danielle Zittel Moseley

    Nice to see you last week at the show. Thanks for helping raise money for the ERE Foundation again.
  • Jim Canto

    Slouch. .... WOW. Unbelievable numbers. Keep on keep'n on.
  • Karuna Gupta

    Hey Slouch, how r u doin Man!!!
    I thought its been long time that i poked you!!! :)

    keep in touch!!!

    Happy recruiting!!!

    Karuna Gupta
  • John Moed

    Hey Slouch, what is the cost for advertising on
  • John Moed

    (925)831-2900, I have appointments at 12:30 and 3:30 PST, but the rest of my day is free.
  • Courtney McDaid

    you're in Toronto? I thought you were in the US?
  • Courtney McDaid

    and you started this site? I'm surprised there is so much US content in that case...
  • Jason Buss

    Jason, I just spoke to Anna Brekka about the Kennedy Conference, and she asked I speak with you to let you know some additional details. Can you send me your e-mail address or phone number, and I can give you a call. Thanks!
  • Jason Buss

    thanks - i sent it.
  • Dee Cizmadia

    Hey Slouch! Your band is GREAT!
  • Chris Gould

    Thanks -I appreciate the support
  • Shannon Cerrato

    Hey, the sign up link for the Webinar does not work for me.
  • Anthony J. Meaney

    It is me. Late I came, but still I came.
  • Kristi

    For sure! I'm very much looking forward to it...Checked out the video of your band last week - You guys sound great!!
  • Moneik Lane

    Hey Slouch,

    Thanks for the add, any advise or assistance for Recruiting areas of Dallas and Chicago.
    I look forward to networking with you.
    Moneik McDonald
  • Moneik Lane

    Thanks alot, appreciate you taking a interest in helping me.

  • Samuel

    Hi Slouch -
  • Ajay Menon

    Great Site mate. Way to go........Ajay
  • Mike Buckley

    Just returned from a Pinnacle meeting last week in Marina Del Ray, CA. It was awesome!
  • Kristi

    Congrats on making it to 6,000...So exciting, and so deserved! I enjoy this site and can't wait to meet you guys all in person at Kennedy.

    I'm in the office all day today if you get around to calling, I'll be here. It's not anything urgent, just wanted to get your advice on the items I sent you in the message.

    Again - congrats and soon we'll be doubling those numbers.....Kristi
  • Shy Pahlevani

    Hey Slouch,

    Just wanted to say thank you for creating a very useful networking site. Congratulations on your success. It has inspired me to create a Video Resume service, . We film, edit, and host video resumes for students. If you feel there is any advice that you could bestow upon me it would be highly appreciated. Thanks.
  • Lucy Webb

    Thank-you for the invite, this os a fantastic networking site.
  • Dave Staats

    Ha! Thanks. Note to self, Look at camera. Shut blinds. Don't end with a mumbled oblique reference to an unexplained occurrence :-) It IS a heck of a camera though.. I might go learn how to use it...
  • Alan LaRotonda

    Good to hear from you. Still pondering that...would love to go, but time & money...
