
48, Male


United States

Comment Wall:

  • Hardik S. Patel

    Yes, Samuel i m located in Baroda, gujarat, INDIA
  • Hardik S. Patel

    mostly inter nation recruitment, have experience of domestic also.
  • Samuel

    what is the name for your current employer in India?
  • Hardik S. Patel

    client name i cannot disclose but they are into fortune 500 list.

    i can say within top 100 also.

    do u use yahoo msgr? or msn ?
  • Samuel

    you can add me on google
  • Samuel
  • Kajal

    Hey Samuel...tried adding you on gchat....
  • Anisha Gupta

    Thanks for contacting me Samuel, We provide end to end IT services in areas like application development, system and administration support, ERP and testing. what is of your interest?
  • Dr.Larisa Varenikova

    Dear Samuel, thank you for the comment on my page!
    Sorry but I am from Ukraine - not from Australia -:))
    Have a great weekend!
  • Anisha Gupta

    No samuel, i am originally for New Delhi but i am now in New Jersey.
  • Manish Chaturvedi

    Thanks Samuel. Am new...just trying to find my way around!
  • Anisha Gupta

    i am not here for studies.. my husband was working here in states and after our marriage i joined him..we are settled here only.. i am in Edison area.. what abt you??
  • Anisha Gupta company(systemguru) has worked with Telecom clients in past mostly for their ERP requirements.. i personally have not worked on them as of now...what kind of requirements do you usually get?? what client are you working with?
  • Anisha Gupta

    Sorry i dont use G-talk for official work.. you can Add me in yahoo ID anisha_sysguru
  • Karthik

    Thanks for your Invite..What kind of positions do you work on.
  • Amy Wadhwa

    Sure, please let me know what assitance you require and i will endeavour to help you.
  • Maya Walker

    Hi Samuel! Thank you for adding me as a friend and leaving a comment on my page.
    Recados e Imagens - Flores - Orkut

  • Debbie Goodman

    Thanks for the invite and hi!
    I hope you have an awesome day!
  • Tektree Gopi

    Hi Samuel,

    Thanks for your invite.

    I am looking forward to welcome you as my connection in and Please send me a Linkedin invite @ [ ] if we are not already connected. I'm open networker and I believe in helping all my connections to reach out to more possibilities (either career or business) by linking to more people.

    Let us start our relationship with my Firm Air Handshake. Thanks in Advance.

    Best Wishes,
    Tektree Gopi.
    View Gopi Srini Tektree []'s profile on LinkedIn
    Link by
    Yahoo/MSN/Google - IM: velloregopi
    PSave trees. Print Only When Necessary.
  • Lisa Simpkins

    Hi Samuel,
    It is nice meeting you and thanks for the invite.
    I look forward to networking with you.
    Have a good day!
    LisaSimpkins~BBS Global
  • Lisa Simpkins

    Hello Samuel,
    Thank you for the information I will keep you in mind.
    Sounds very interesting.