Donald L. "Skip" Conover

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  • Donald L. "Skip" Conover

    Dear Ian,

    That will have to be checked. Please provide me a resume to In objectives, please be specific about the type of professional position for which you feel you would qualify, particularly highlighting those areas where you have experience.

    We work in placement, not recruiting. As a result, we have no specific job at the moment, but once we have your details, we can explore whether we can find a position suitable to your experience. This is a process, which can take 2-3 months, including contract negotiations, etc. You will be best served if your LinkedIn profile is complete, with at least three recommendations.

    Best regards, Skip Conover
    View Donald L. (
  • Jimmy Riddle

    Dear Skip,

    My LinkedIn profile is 100% plus 5 recommendations from past CEO's and VP's included. I will send you my resume immediately. Thank you for your kind assistance.

    Best regards

  • LiangChing Tan

    Harlo Donald,

    Thanks for reaching out. Good to be connected to you. :)

  • Jeff Ragan

    Thanks for the add, Skip. I may be reached @ LinkedIn:

    I am involved in many national IT recruiting initiatives.

    Jeff Ragan
  • Brad J. Hoeck


    I've added you to my network on LinkedIn. I've had a couple of friends work in Saudi in the past. I'd be interested if you have IT Management positions. I specialize in Networks and Infrastucture but have managed data centers and programing. My work history in all there since I left active duty in the Corps back in 1977.

    Regards and Semper Fi,
  • Donald L. "Skip" Conover

    Dear Brad,

    Please provide me a resume to In objectives, please be specific about the type of professional position for which you feel you would qualify, particularly highlighting those areas where you have experience.

    We work in placement, not recruiting. As a result, we have no specific job at the moment, but once we have your details, we can explore whether we can find a position suitable to your experience. This is a process, which can take 2-3 months, including contract negotiations, etc. You will be best served if your LinkedIn profile is complete, with at least three recommendations.

    Best regards, Skip Conover
    View Donald L. (
  • Priya Ramani

    Hi Donald,

    Thank you for the addition.I do believe the assignments in Saudi Arabia must be very challenging.

    I wish you success ...always!


  • Martha Kerr

    Delighted to be in your network.
  • Wendy Peper

    Skip-thanks for the note, will keep in mind for future. Take care.
  • Jim Canto

    Let's get to networking. Sent you an invite, Skip. Let's connect when you have time.

  • Lora Lea Mock


    I would recommend that you contact a guy by the name of Ronnie Boyd. Phone number (713)523-5552 email Let him know that I suggested you call. He has a split mentality and has the same kind of opportunity/problem placing lots of people in Dubui. I suspect there could be some crossover in your business.

    Lora Lea Mock
    Professional Recruiters

    Meanwhile I would like to add you as a contact on my linked in page. Send me your email and I'll send you an invite.
  • Richard Kirby

    I have a great candidate who has spent a 20 month tour in Iraq for KBR. He has a great track record managing private contractor and Iraqi natives. If you have need for major management in these areas perhaps we could cooperate on placing him? Let me know what you think... Richard
  • Graham Nicholls

    Hi Skip
    I have been trying to make connections in the UAE for some time without to much luck.
    I would like to do a stint there myself, probably contract.
    Do you have the connections?
  • Hollymarie E. Britt

    Thanks- If I come across anyone I can forward them to you.... I work with IT professionals- mainly US east coast.
    Sent you an invite on linkedIn. keep in touch
  • Deepank Jain

    Skip. Thanks for the note. I get enquiries from individuals, will recoomend them to contact you. Also, if you know of any technology/ sales professionals returning to India from Saudi Arabia, let me know. Sent you a friend request.. Thanks, Deepank
  • Lisa

    Hi Donald,

    Thanks for connecting. Please contact Mike Palmquist at

    He can tell you more about our programs and how we help employers find candidates.
  • Melody Phillips

    I'll bite. I am a retired attorney and live in upstate NY. I have some candidates in whom you may have an interest. I recruit for one international firm, so I come across technical and construction management people willing to work overseas. Shoot me an email with your contact info at
  • Jayan Chhaya

    Hello Skip, How are you doing today? Me new on RecruitingBlogs. Correct me if I am wrong anywhere in future.
  • Graham Nicholls

    Hi Skip
    Send me an email address if you would.
    I will send you some documentation for Saudi.
  • Sue Kunimune

    Hi Skip,

    Sorry but I am not doing the international scene. However if you hear of Product/Ecommerce Managers with search engine experience wanting to move to the Rockies, please let me know. Regards, Sue
  • P S Sanjay
  • Lisa Matkowski

    Hi Skip, thank you for inviting me to your network. I'm new to blogging. Any tips are always appreciated.
    Lisa Matkowski
    Recruiting Program and Transition Manager
  • Lisa Matkowski

    Thanks for the great advice, I'll definitely check out Maya's page. Appreciate the spring board and look forward to hopefully joining in on some of those provocative discussions.
  • Jimmy Riddle

    Hi Skip,

    Can we connect on LinkedIn?


  • Maya Walker

    I discovered something cute...
  • Donald L. "Skip" Conover

    You women know how to melt my heart! Visual artwork says so much more than any words on a page.
  • Tom Hesson

    Hey Skip,

    Thanks for accepting my invitation!!

  • Donald L. "Skip" Conover

    I appreciate all of the committed recruiters, who have contacted me about recruiting for Saudi Arabia! I now have a pretty good idea that there is a lot of talent out there, just looking for opportunities.

    My partners and I are meeting in Saudi Arabia on 22-23 March to set our policies and procedures for how to bring professionals into the Kingdom. Immediately thereafter I should be able to brief you all about how we hope to operate. I can be reached after 26 March at +1-410-919-7571 (also before 10 March)--in the Interim I'll be in India, Dubai and Saudi Arabia.

    Please feel free to join me on LinkedIn using

    Best regards, Skip
    View Donald L. (
  • Suchitra

    Thanks Skip-will connect you on linkedin...
    Are you hiring in India?

  • Donald L. "Skip" Conover

    Dear Suchitra,

    We are hiring in India for Saudi Arabia.

    Best regards, Skip
  • Rahul Sharma

    Hi Donald,
    how are you doing..
    howz life going on..
  • Linda Moeller


    Perhaps you are just the sort of person who may be able to help me out!

    Two years ago NELSON opened a satellite office in India. We have recently been awarded significant contracts and are desperately seeking "A" List Corporate Interior Designers and Senior Architects. Our ideal candidates will have extensive global experience, preferably working with Fortune 100 multi-national corporations. Do you have any recommendations? Thank you in advance for your help and connections.

    Linda Moeller
  • Roscoe Chambers

    Your information is very interesting regarding our expats. I would like to speak with you regarding this issues. When can we talk? Roscoe Chambers
  • Marion Yarger

    Hi Skip,
    I agree, It is also nice to place a face with a name, since you are so close. It is very possible that we could run into each other at some networking event. I look forward to networking together. Thanks!
  • Jhanina Santiago

    Hello Skip,

    Thank you for the great welcome! Look forward to networking with you.

  • Dagmar Artz

    Hello Skip,

    There are plenty of highly skilled South Africans who would certainly be interested in a career outside SA borders. South Africans are adventurous and hard working by nature and are well liked in countries like the UK and the UAE. If you are looking for anything in specific let me know, maybe we can work together.
  • Achyut Menon

    Hi Skip-Thank you for reaching out. I shall certainly explore how best I can assist Shariq!

    Do let me know if I can be of assistance. Anytime.

  • Randall Stevens

    Hi Skip!

    I'd love to talk to you about some of these opportunities...

    Call me at 614-313-8434, if interested and if you have a second.
  • Marshciene Hendrix

    Hi Skip! Maryland recruiters ar the best! Thanks for the welcome. Keep in touch! --- Marsha
  • Roscoe Chambers

    Lets talk about this opportunity in Saudi Arabia, 972-383-1603 office or 414-405-6771 cell
  • Rahul Sharma

    Hi Donald,

    Hope you are having wonderful time and i would love to be part of this forum.Being from India i really to express my views and ideas.

    Rahul Sharma
  • Donald L. "Skip" Conover

    Thanks Rahul!
  • Hengameh Bolouri

    Hi Skip. thanks for the invite!
  • Tom taylor


    My name is Tom Taylor. I am sorry for the unusual approach but I have no other choice. I am looking for

    committed people to discuss Business Opportunity with.

    I did not want to send you any details until I had your permission. Hope to have you responds as soon as

    possible. waiting to for you positive responds


    Tom Taylor
  • Lauren Forbes

    Thank you for the invite! - Lauren
  • Donald L. "Skip" Conover

    Dear Inshia,

    Regretfully, I do not speak Hindi. It's not laziness. I just never had a need. All of my partners are Indian, and they speak the various local dialects, of course. I do speak Mandarin Chinese and Japanese though.

    Best regards, Skip
  • Bibit

    Hi Donald,
    I am a sourcing specialist and looking after different reqs
  • Barb Yeakey

    Hi Skip-
    I'm currently working with a US based company that is expanding into a joint venture in Abu Dhabi. To get started they will move some of the employees from the states to their Abu Dhabi base and will slowly staff with perm/local employees. Wonder if you'd have any contacts in the area that you'd recommended to us to help with; relocation issues, housing, transportation, and a local person who'd want to be the HR liason btw the expats and corporate.
    Thanks for your time.
  • Tom taylor

    Hello Skip is being a while have you got my email..?
  • Rich Steinkohl


    Do you recruit clinical pharmacists? If so, we would like to partner with you to help fill some of our hottest job orders; and help place some of our hottest candidates.

    At the present time, we have a number of clinical pharmacy specialist positions with leading teaching hospitals throughout the country. We also have a number of unique clinical leadership and consulting roles with leading GPOs, PBMs and managed care groups.

    Through our search efforts, we also have a fresh inventory of motivated candidates that are residency trained, experienced and board certified. I can also promise you that we did not find these candidate’s resumes on any job board.

    We believe that by developing ‘win-win’ relationships with ethical search firms, we can offer our clients and candidates better service, broader selection and faster results.

    Please let me know if you are interested in developing a collaborative working relationship that serves to benefit all.

    Hope to hear from you soon.

    Rich Steinkohl
    (888) 398-9437