John Rhine AKA JR


Orange County

United States

Profile Information:

Which industries do you work in now?
Government, Healthcare

Comment Wall:

  • Amitai Givertz

    Hello, John. Welcome.

    Ami G.
  • Tektree Gopi

    Hi Rhine,


    I noticed that you also maintain an active presence here in Recruiting Blogs. Let me invite you to pay a visit to my profile as well and to connect to my network on Recruiting Blogs.

    I'm always open for professional networking especially in IT Staffing.

    Some background on what I do.....
    Technology Recruiter work with Direct Clients & Tier-I Vendor's for Temp(Contract) Positions. I am looking at gaining assistance from connections who can supply me any Technology positions from their Direct Clients.

    If I can ever be of assistance to you, please don't hesitate to contact me directly.

    There may not be any immediate need or opportunity for now for us to work together but I hope there will be one in the future, be it business or career opportunity. I am sure we will find mutual benefit by being connected directly which will also enlarge both of our views of the greater Recruiting Blogs network.

    I am looking forward to welcome you as my connection.

    Let us start our relationship with my Firm Air Handshake.

    Thanks in Advance.

    Best Wishes,
    Link by
    View Gopi Srini Tektree []'s profile on LinkedIn
  • John Rhine AKA JR

    Hi Gopi,

    Thank you for the Invite, i see a definite need for your service now!

    Please contact me at your earliest convience!

    Thank you!
  • Vicki Z. Lauter

    Hi John -
    thanks for the invite.
  • John Rhine AKA JR

    Hi Vicki,

    Thank you for excepting!

  • SP

    Hi, John,

    Thanks for the invite, look forward to networking with you.

  • Shannon Cerrato

    Hi John, any advice you may be able to give me on sourcing for physical and occupational therapists? This is a new space for me and I admit I am struggling. Thanks!
  • John Rhine AKA JR

    Hi Shannon,

    Don't feel frustrated, were all trying to find them as well

    Allied Health Professionals i.e.physical therapist, occupational therapist, speech therapist are all in high demand, most and formost are PT's difficult to find. My advice is to advertise on Craigs List, Job Nugget, it's for the most part FREE... Need more advice.. shoot me an e-mail be glad to help
  • Shannon Cerrato

    Thanks so much! I am on Craigslist right now, I will give Job Nugget a try.
  • Karthik

    Hi John, this is very easy. when you create your public profile, you will get it.
  • Karthik

    Here it is John, go to promote your profile, there you can see the HTML codes for various types of logos. you just need to add that in your blogs and where ever you want.
  • Gary Latino

    Hey John,

    Thanks for the invite.Your recruiting "MOJO" is on the money!
  • Jim Canto

    Networking with medical and healthcare professionals and recruiters? Don't forget to join the Medical and Health Care Recruiter Group here on Recruiting blogs. This link will take you there:

    I also sent you a friend request.
    Hope to see you there soon.

  • Slouch

    Hey. Thanks. It's fun work
  • John Rhine AKA JR

    7 Interview tips by John Rhine

    1. Lack of Preparation: Be over prepared, come up with a list of client competitors. Understand how to sell the company’s value proposition. Know the target market and familiarize yourself with their current clients. Don’t wing it!

    2. Dumping: Too much talking and not enough listing. Great sales professionals ask good questions. Strike that, they ask GREAT questions. You will use these questions to formulate your interviewer’s needs and then sell them on why you are the solution to their problems. A consultative selling approach is encouraged.

    3. Tangents: Answer questions as clearly and precisely as you can and avoid going off on tangents. People that dance around questions come off as unprepared, lacking focus, and overall poor communicators. Not the lasting impression you want to leave!

    4. Numbers….What Numbers? You need to know your numbers! What was your W-2 last year? Are you at quota? How many calls do you make in a day? How many leads do you get? How many deals do you close, what is your average deal size? If you don’t know your numbers you come across as an under or average performer. Top sales people know where they are and use numbers to monitor progress. They tend to keep a close eye on the sales funnel and are able to accurately forecast results.

    5. Closing Questions: Every great sales person asks appropriate closing questions. The trick is to do this in a way that doesn’t come across too strong, but still gets the point across. Believe me, if you don’t close the interviewer you will NOT be invited back.

    6. Depending on Personality: You most likely have a likeable personality. You are after all, in sales. Although it will come in handy, at this level it isn’t going to seal the deal. Just about every person your interviewer meets has a great personality. What you need to get across in the interview is your burning desire for success and your internal motivation. Secondly you need to prove that you have a track record of sales success. You have over achieved for other companies, and you will overachieve for your next employer. Other great personalities will also be competing for high- level sales positions, so concentrate on differentiating yourself from the pack!

    7. Negativity: Under no circumstances should you say anything negative about your former/current employer or company. Sound like old news? It is—almost everyone has heard this but they just can’t help themselves in the interview and wind up doing it anyway! If you catch yourself speaking negatively about a former employer, stop yourself immediately. No one wants to hear it!

    8. Bottom Line……GET THE JOB!

    Tips provided by John Rhine, Vice President Business Development & Recruiting Medical HR LLC
  • John Rhine AKA JR

    If we don't change, we don't grow. If we don't grow, we aren't really living !
  • John Rhine AKA JR

    Hello Volora,

    Got your call, call me back please

  • Jim Canto

    John.. I called you... per your request. Tag... you're it. I left my number on your voicemail. - Jim
  • Erin Cornelison


    I'd like to connect with you on Linked In. What is your email address?

  • John Rhine AKA JR

    These Good Men" "I now know why men who have been to war yearn to reunite. Not to tell stories or look at old pictures. Not to laugh or weep. Comrades gather because they long to be with the men who once acted their best, men who suffered and sacrificed, who were stripped raw, right down to their humanity. "I did not pick these men. They were delivered by fate and the U.S. Marine Corps But I know them in a way I know no other men. I have never given anyone such trust. They were willing to guard something more precious than my life. They would have carried my reputation, the memory of me. It was part of the bargain we all made, the reason we were so willing to die for one another. "I cannot say where we are headed. Ours are not perfect friendships; those are the province of legend and myth. A few of my comrades drift far from me now, sending back only occasional word. I know that one day even these could fall to silence. Some of the men will stay close, a couple, perhaps, always at hand. "As long as I have memory, I will think of them all, every day. I am sure that when I leave this world, my last thought will be of my family and my comrades

    Semper FI
  • Mir Moiz

    Thanks for the contact, John.
    My name is Mir Moiz and I have been working in the area of 'Information Systems' for the past seven years.
    My primary area of expertise is WEB Technologies.

    You can review my LinkedIn profile here:

    For all things WEB you can contact me anytime.
    moosavi [at]

    - MIR
  • Rich Steinkohl


    Do you recruit clinical pharmacists? If so, we would like to partner with you to help fill some of our hottest job orders; and help place some of our hottest candidates.

    At the present time, we have a number of clinical pharmacy specialist positions with leading teaching hospitals throughout the country. We also have a number of unique clinical leadership and consulting roles with leading GPOs, PBMs and managed care groups.

    Through our search efforts, we also have a fresh inventory of motivated candidates that are residency trained, experienced and board certified. I can also promise you that we did not find these candidate’s resumes on any job board.

    We believe that by developing ‘win-win’ relationships with ethical search firms, we can offer our clients and candidates better service, broader selection and faster results.

    Please let me know if you are interested in developing a collaborative working relationship that serves to benefit all.

    Hope to hear from you soon.

    Rich Steinkohl
    (888) 398-9437
  • Vicki Z. Lauter

    Hey JR - I saw your posting on the split placement board. I am open to splits if you need additional help but wanted you to know more about my background. I have worked on the provider side placing candidates in various funtions (VP, "C" and Director levels) as well as I have a strong background placing people in healthcare consulting, having worked fortwo Big 4 firms (EY & Accenture) I don't know what type of help you need so if my background is a match withanything you are currently working just drop me a note.
    All the best, Vicki
  • Becki Banning

    Hey John,

    I am a recruiter in Las Vegas looking to make a career move. Can I send you my resume to see if you might know of someone who can use my talents?

  • Mohammed Osman

    Hi john,
    Pls accept my invitation.
  • John Rhine AKA JR

    Hi Mohammed , Look forward to networking with you!

  • Jim Canto

    Thanks for the heads-up, John. Let me know when you get settled. Talk to you soon.