WhatsApp Group Chat - Hiring Timelines / TAT and its Implications on the Quality of Hires

Talent Acquisitionists are constantly required to Source Talent to fill vacancies and there are various tools and methods to achieve this. Several organisations are slowly incorporating these new methods and techniques to evaluate and shortlist candidates to capture the right fit.

In an attempt to understand what these tools are and the hiring trends followed @SourcingAdda we conducted our popular WhatsApp Group chat discussion on, “Hiring timelines / TAT and its implications on the quality of hires.” Upon the request of our Bangalore group member Shankar and here’s what we discussed but we’ll be highlighting the key take away pointers thereafter…

Well this brings us to the end of an interesting conversation with lots of take a ways as always so let’s continue to the key pointers to keep in mind. Therefore here goes…

Hiring Timelines, its importance and Implications

  • Hiring timelines is an important part in the hiring process
  • With stringent timelines we overlook some qualities in the candidate
  • When timelines are too long the candidate loses interest in the position altogether
  • It is important for organisations to hire the right Talent for the right profile and within the given time frame.
  • Hiring should be time bound but proactive; unless one is hiring readily available candidates instead of the most suitable candidates.
  • The quality of hire will increase only if the organisation is ready to invest in the process in a timely manner.

Importance of maintaining relations with rejected candidates

  • Stay invested in passive candidates for future roles else you’ll have a Hire Fire type of engagement that can affect them as being possible candidates in the future.

Implications and utility of TAT before and after on - boarding

  • Many organisations utilise the TAT for candidate selection although it helps to shortlist candidates it rules out the ones that don’t meet the criteria.
  • In the process it filters candidates that might be a good fit for the position even if they don’t meet the TAT criteria.
  • Depending on the organisation’s hiring process followed one can also conduct an offer and joining TAT to filter the Candidates further if required.
  • TAT should be applicable to all stakeholders involved in the hiring journey not only recruiters
  • In today's hiring scenario we need to remove the filter barrier and capture the right fit Talent with the calibre and capability to perform the tasks well.

Well there you have it all the aspects that play an important role in the growth of the organisation and the implications of having unreasonable Hiring Timelines and TAT selection of candidates. Whether you’re new to these techniques and selection tools and / or are looking to formulate your own selection processes then these inputs will be helpful nonetheless.

Having said that; if you’d like to be an active participant instead of a passive one then ensure that you leave us your views and or requests to join these WhatsApp groups in our comments section. In the meantime make sure you follow us @SourcingAdda to get real time updates to our upcoming events and activities.

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