Country Cultivation - The Importance of Education Availability For Migrants

According to the United Nations, along with food and clean water, education is one of the trinity of basic human rights. It is so central and necessary to our development that we tend to take it for granted.

For migrants, and for those coming to a new country where they may not speak the de-facto language, education is even more important. Schools often become a centre of these communities, providing a lifeline of knowledge, companionship and cultural coordination which is otherwise unavailable.

The availability of education, and the acknowledgment of the importance of education is an ongoing driver of opportunity. It creates a more skilled and employable community which in turn re....  

Fostering Integration & Responsible Citizenship

A common problem for many migrants (and one which education can certainly help to alleviate) is in the feeling of isolation, and a lack of ‘belonging’ to a community - or to something as large and new as an adopted nation.

Having available education and training pathways creates a lifeline for new migrants; it allows them to develop their language skills in a safe, non-judgemental environment, while also giving them a framework for further knowledge and life-long learning.

Encouraging and making education available to migrants also gives educational providers (also known as consultants, such as this education consultant in Melbourne) and communities the chance to educate new students on local laws, etiquette, and other things that are harder to pick-up (and take much longer) in general day-to-day living.

By doing this, the benefit to migrants is that they can integrate more fully with their communities and create a stronger, happier citizenry.

Creating Opportunities

Education and learning institutions aimed at migrant education give back to the general community (through job creation) and to the migrant community (by providing a centralised place where they can socialise, learn, and begin to feel a part of their surroundings).

They’re also places where a diverse range of skills can be encouraged - leading towards career development and further achievement. For example, a student who is particularly good with vocabulary and who is able to help their peers to learn may make an excellent teacher.

A student who is a practical, hands-on learner may be able to easily undertake a physical trade. Skills development and encouragement helps migrants to find their place in a sometimes challenging and overwhelming environment, providing them with otherwise unavailable support and opportunities.

Ongoing Economical Benefits

The economical benefits of migrant education to the broader community begin with the increased employment of teachers and education providers. More students needing intensive learning and development means more highly-skilled tutors and teachings in employment in the industry.

Economically speaking, the development of migrants’ skillsets helps prepare them to work and further drive income. Many migrants may struggle initially to navigate the vast amounts of red tape necessary to start up a business or to become an apprentice or franchisee (among other things). Education helps to bring down some of these barriers (by improving literacy and communication skills) while also providing a support system so that they can more easily access available help and funding.

Fairer Futures

A major barrier to personal advancement is the financial disadvantage many migrants face. Literacy and communication skills development can help to drive emp... and participation rates in the migrant community, reducing the reliance on government welfare, and preventing poverty. This in turn creates a redistribution of wealth, allowing migrant communities to establish family capital, creating a further flow-on benefit for the economy and the country.

This is an investment in a fairer, smarter future, where educators and students all participate in the creation of a more egalitarian nation.

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