
I'm compiling an international list of job-oriented sites with beautiful and clever logos. This includes: job boards, resume builders, forums for recruiters and/or job seekers, recruiting associations, etc. The logo needs to come from a site that's job search/recruiting related.

Please reply with:
* the url of any corresponding job site that comes to mind
* Optional: your blog url (if you have one)
* Optional: 1-2 lines about why you chose the logo (you can do this for each logo)

If I use your submission in the final list, I'll link to your blog or LinkedIn profile.

Finally- if there's a way I can help you these days, don't hesitate to ask.

Thanks in advance,


Jacob Share
Job Search Expert & Professional Blogging Consultant

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It seems it's safe to be biased in this conversation, so I will be :)

Personally, I have a fancy for Vipe's logo (www.vipepower.com)

Alon Kim Dacquel said:
not to sound too excited, but when does this contest end?

This isn't a contest, it's for some articles that I'm compiling for JobMob (http://jobmob.co.il/) and a new logo design website that I was asked to participate in. The results will appear this month and I'll post the links here.
Adam Peterson said:
It seems it's safe to be biased in this conversation, so I will be :)

Personally, I have a fancy for Vipe's logo (www.vipepower.com)

Thanks for the suggestion, Adam. I have no issues whatsoever with people submitting their own logos, otherwise I would have said so at the beginning.
Jessica Meher - Akken said:
I know I forgot many others, here's another one:


Thanks Jessica, bring them on if you've got them. You've done great so far :)
Hi everyone,
I have finally posted the results of this discussion here:

Top 105 Beautiful Job Search Company Logos That Will Wow You http://su.pr/3jtgHI

Thank you all, regardless of which logos made it into the list or not.
I'm partial to ours of course!!

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