Christopher L. Poreda
  • Montclair, NJ
  • United States
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To Job Board or Not to Job Board...that is the Question.
16 Replies

There has been a lot of chatter over the years about job boards; their use, quality of candidates, quality of postings, etc.  I have always felt that the job board should simply be one of many tools…Continue

Started this discussion. Last reply by Rob McIntosh Feb 3, 2010.

Job Board vs. Social Media

Why is the eminent demise of job boards consistently thrown at the feet of social networking sites? Why job boards? Should then all sites who attempt to engage two interest parties bow to the social…Continue

Started Feb 1, 2010 goes LIVE!

Contact: Christopher Poreda FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE(P): 1.908.517.0800(E): Christopher@ujbcorp.comULTIMATEJOBBOARD.COM GOES ONLINE TO REDEFINE AN INDUSTRYNew York, NY, Jan. 20, 2010 – Three years ago…Continue

Tags: jersey, jobs, york, new, board

Started Jan 31, 2010


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Christopher L. Poreda's Blog

There never was, nor will there ever be a qualified candidate shortage.

What is heard often from recruiters over a drink at happy hour in Anytown, USA is the lack of qualified candidates in the marketplace. Let the increasing population, demise of entire industries, the worst recession and employment landscape in our lifetime and the invent of easier and more efficient ways to source qualified candidates, some of these recruiters may find a solution by simply making a few more phone calls. Aside from those, I subscribe that we are not and have never been in a… Continue

Posted on February 22, 2010 at 6:00pm — 9 Comments

From job boards, where do you have the greatest success?

Job posting or resume searching?

Posted on February 8, 2010 at 3:41pm

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At 4:59pm on February 24, 2010, Christopher L. Poreda said…

Thanks for your note and your perspective, although I don't quite understand the elephant analogy.

This string reminds me when I worked for two large, national recruiting firms. I was an executive at those firms and one thing always made me laugh...both Presidents stood up and made lavish speeches about how we source the best candidates and we have the best clients. That was nonsense. We all; me, you and our clients (especially yours because they are highly sophisticated) have access to the same information. It's how we decipher, process and manage that information that separates recruiters...therein lies the value...nothing else. Our clients don't pay us to push paper. They pay us to source the best candidate, quickly; regardless of the source.

I see you have 15 years experience. I'll bet more times then are on your two hands you placed a candidate with a client when that candidate was already in their system. Guaranteed. We get paid what we get paid because we are nimble and efficient. Our clients usually aren't.

And I would submit that your clients are not as sophisticated as they may appear. If they were they would more than likely be on our side of the desk, where the money is.

For me, every candidate is on the market. If they are willing to listen, they are on the market. If you and Paul have ways to bubble those who resist and aren't willing to listen, then you and Paul would make far more money on the lecturing circuit. I would guess you're doing your job, pitching a different opportunity and healing a pain. But that doesn't mean the candidate isn't on the market, it means you're doing your job.

My blog was never about an abundant world of candidates, only qualified candidates. They are abundant and are easy to find. It's managing the process and building trust that separates us. It simply takes a special recruiter to bubble them to the surface. It appears that you are one of those recruiters.
At 2:49pm on February 24, 2010, Barbara Goldman said…
I read the blog twice.

At first, I just shook my head in amazement. Then, after thinking about it for a while, I guess it all depends on your particular perspective.

It's like a blind man touching an elephant, and trying to figure out what it is. The trunk feels like one thing, the tail another.

If candidates register on your job board, it may seem like there are lot of them. But, if you work a recruiting desk, the situation is different. Nobody would pay a recruiting fee if good people were easy to find. Companies hate to pay fees.
If talent were abundant, and not scarce, then I would be starving. So would every other third party recruiter.

Most of my clients are highly sophisticated when it comes to recruiting. They only pay me as a last resort.

I agree with Paul. my candidates aren't on the market.

I'm trying to understand your point, but I'm curious as to what part of the elephant you are holding onto? With the advent of internet recruiting, third party recruiting has increased, not decreased.

I'm still shaking my head, wondering why I'm not starving as a third party recruiter in a candidate abundant word.


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