(Even more) Terrifying recruitment stories. In 6 words!

'Terrifying recruitment stories. In 6 words', caught the imagination of many. 12,000 unique blog views, dozens of blog comments,(On the Savage Truth site) and endless social media shares are testament to that.

So, this week, we reprise the concept, but this time with the best 6-word recruiter stories, from The Savage Truth readers! And there are some crackers here. All taken from the blog comments. Enjoy!

Our current vendors charge 8% fee.
Human resources controls the vendor list.
I’m reversing my acceptance: Won Tattslotto.
Candidate dumped Employer during High School.
Which agency are you from again?
We’re focusing on 10 new KPIs
Your candidate ate all the biscuits.
“That’s package? I was talking base”
Wife now not prepared to relocate.
I was briefed by another agency.
Best candidates only. Can we negotiate?
Second interviews will be in 6 weeks
Um, I have a non-compete clause.
“Let me ask the wife….”
This needs to go through HR.
Definite interview for a possible position.
Your candidate turned up drunk.
Someone knows your candidate and…
We are splitting your desk. Today.
Why didn’t you make your KPIs?
I’ve had a long think and…..

Are there any more? Do you have a recruitment horror story? Can you tell it in six words?
Bet you can.


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