New Ways To Get New Clients to Rebecca

The old ways do not work.
What do you do to get new clients?
I was just curious?

I tried writing Rebecca on this and could not.

Hi Rebecca,

Thank you for your reply. You sound kind and upbeat.
What kind of people do you place?

I am not sure what you mean by your words.
Do you mean they promote you to their colleagues or colleges?
Set up a personal introduction?- Sorry I do not understand.

I can get people on the phone that is the problem I have.
When I do they say whatever my fee if that they can not afford the fee.
If I lower my fee they still say they can't afford the fee, that they will look on their own.
Any suggestions? Simple question?

How would you get a new client alone with no help, no referrals? Would it be possible?

I am a positive person I have faith. I work alone so it is not easy. I love to learn and I have lots of energy and ideas as I am sure you have.I am just looking for a little more business I am not looking for huge fortune 500 at this time.

I do some placing of people in the travel field.
I am trying different industries I need new job openings.
I call first and than follow it up with a email If I have the email.
I do not get many call back and return email reply.
It seems I am spinning my wheels the wrong way.
The old way was cold calling by phone, now with phone mail hardly anyone calls me back.

How do you get new clients?
I am a member of facebook, linkedin, myspace, twitter.
I have written and called people to no avail.

I enjoy placing people in jobs and helping people with advice on interviews-which I am great at.
I have been in my own business for 7 years of course when I was making money I liked it even better.

Have a great evening.

NYC -Jane Roth

Views: 193

Comment by Rebecca B. Sargeant on September 30, 2010 at 9:46pm
I market GREAT candidates. When the client says no I drive one step further and ask for a recommendation.

The other thing I have been doing is simply reaching out to my network and asking for referrals. It’s been amazing! I actually have two clients that picked up the ball and ran forward with it for me. They go out of their way to promote me to their colleges, and then set up a time to do a personal introduction.

It’s amazing when you open your mouth and ASK!!!! If you try it let me know how it goes????


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