Creating a Positive Candidate Recruiter User Experience

I have been thinking about many things and experiencing “Web 2.0 overload” in my attempts to secure a new position and get my own enterprise off the ground. While some of what I am going to discuss here is obvious, I feel compelled to write about it.

There was an excellent discussion on started by Jennifer LaVigne entitled “Cold calling and your best pick up line.” There were insightful comments from every smart person that participated in the discussion. What made me think the most was the comment from Jerry Albright. Actually, it was Jerry's use of one word “WORDS” that was the trigger. I don’t know Jennifer or Jerry or any of the others that commented. But I want to thank all of them for inducing me to share some thoughts about what I think we actually do with the candidates we partner with.

I ask every Candidate that I partner with “What do you not like about working with Recruiters?” The answer (s) to this question will give you the key in how to partner with that candidate and become their trusted advisor.

Upon your initial contact with the candidate, do you ask How the candidate is today, How is their day going? Do you ask about their interests and take some time to get to know them before explaining your agenda or elevator speech? Do you share some information about yourself and who you are and what you are doing? The candidate wants to know that you are a person that will be professionally empathetic to them.

I have a rule: “I recruit the way in which I want to be recruited.” There is never an exception.

Be honest with the Candidate. I cannot stress this enough.

I spend time walking the candidate thru the current state of their job search or if they are a passive candidate what it would take for them to become an active candidate. I pose “what if" questions during this conversation.

I ask the following: “What are you hoping to find in your next position that you do have in your current one? Why did you accept your current position? Have you developed decision criteria for your next position? How do I Recruit you?” I discuss their answers in detail. This helps me develop a picture of the candidate. It is also fun! I summarize this and confirm in an email.

I discuss in detail what their compensation expectation for the position is. I confirm an agreement on compensation with the candidate in email.

How frequently should we follow up with each other and how will we do that? I use Web 2.0 technologies, but the telephone is the best tool available for the Recruiter and the candidate

I make certain that I have of their updated contact information and that they have mine (home and cell phone, email that is not your current employers Twitter and IM ID). If it is only the candidate’s email, I would be concerned.

I inform the candidate that I will not send resume to any companies without their permission.

I give the candidate for the client company Web site address. Do you home work! Research the company. When I have secured an interview I give the candidate the name(s) and titles of the person(s) they will be interviewing with and what the interviewing process is. I instruct them to Google the names of the interviewer(s). Search LinkedIn for the interviewer’s name and read their profile. How the candidate responds to this will give you an indication of how strong your partnership with them is.

I offer suggestions as to what questions to expect on the interview. I typically ask; “How do you handle the telephone/ in person interview?” I discuss their reply in detail.

I set a follow up time after the interview to debrief the candidate.

I know that some of this is obvious and I have left much out, but I think we all need to think about what we are doing with our candidates and how we partner with them.


Views: 156

Comment by Dave Graziano on February 14, 2009 at 10:27am
Jerry and Ami,

I may have framed when I ask the question incorrectly. It is not asked in my inititial greeting, but after I have sensesd the rapport is developing. I think:) I use the question as a way to have the candidate tell me how to recruit them and what recruiting pitfalls to avoid with them. I do think there is also the cathartic reaction from the candidate; Wow, someone will listen and hear me. I do know that the question has always been responded to with a positive spirit by the candidates, as strange as that may sound.

This has made me think long and hard about the use of the question. This is a great discussion with the both of you.
Comment by Dave Graziano on February 14, 2009 at 10:31am
Jerry and Ami,

I may have framed when I ask the question incorrectly. It is not asked in my inititial greeting, but after I have sensed the rapport is developing. I think:) I use the question as a way to have the candidate tell me how to recruit them and what recruiting pitfalls to avoid with them. I do think there is also the cathartic reaction from the candidate; Wow, someone will listen and hear me. I do know that the question has always been responded to with a positive spirit by the candidates, as strange as that may sound.

This has made me think long and hard about the use of the question. This is a great discussion with the both of you.
Comment by Amitai Givertz on February 14, 2009 at 2:04pm
Jerry, you say: "...WHO the PERSON is rather than (only) whether they are qualfied/interested/available within 2 minutes puts us in great position to beat the other half"

I say, "Exactly!'

Here are some tools I find useful to check before calling. You might too find them useful too. You may even be using them, I wouldn't be surprised... [currently my favorite]
Comment by Amitai Givertz on February 14, 2009 at 2:05pm
Stupid me! Forgot Google...
Comment by Dave Graziano on February 14, 2009 at 2:27pm
Ami, this is good stuff. We all have a tendency to loose "The Who" in all of this. My apologies to Pete Townsend, Roger Daltry, Jon Entwistle and the late great Keith Moon!


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