What should be the KPIs of a Talent Sourcing Specialist / Consultant?

Hello there!

I have been asked to draft a "brand new" role's Key Performance Indicators. Your input will be tremendously appreciated....

What should be the KPIs of a (pure) Talent Sourcing Consultant? By "pure" I mean a dedicated professional who utilises various sourcing channels to increase candidate flow for the whole business rather than for specific roles. Specific positions will be handled by specialist recruiters in each defined business unit e.g. IT, HR etc.

What metrics would measure their success in the role? How would a business measure the value addition a sourcing consultant brings into the team of agency recruiters?

Many Thanks,

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1. Quantity of candidates found for the specialist recruiters to call
2. Quality of the candidates found (how many actually move on to interview with the managers)
3. Number of hires of the candidates sourced through this individual's sourcing efforts
Hi Amrita,

How about quality of the hire itself? This could be linked to candidates who pass/fail probation...

View Matt Hewitson - Lead Talent Manager - LION's profile on LinkedIn
We did this exercise in the organization i worked previously. I will go with Quantity, Quality ( which will automatically translate to hire precentage) and maybe ability to prioritize, in terms of how many resumes will be required to source to fill X number of positions and if that is taken care for a particulaar position, then go to the next one and so on.. ( if the specialist recruiter is going o do this and hand it down to the sourcing consultant, then it may not be required)
High Closure to resume submission ratio, as an indicator of quality.
High filled to open position ratio as an indicator of quantity.
depth of networks (specific skills, specific locations, specific industries)
variety or specialty of skills knowledge in their candidate range
time tables for producing candidates
quality of information gathered about the candidate
active versus passive candidate ratios
If this is in a corporate environment - retention should also be tracked to show the sucess of the hire.
1. Submissions Ratio / Positions
2. Number of Interview hits ( in turn gives you the qulaity)
3. Interviews converts to Hires

I think these 3 KPIs should be measured on quaterly basis.

Thanks and Regards

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