I recruit internally for Hudson's Executive Recruitment Consultancy business in Sydney and want to make contact with experienced Recruiters who are keen to make the move internationally to Australia within Recruitment on a consultancy basis for Hudson. Hudson will pay for all your Visa costs and help towards some relocation.
Get in contact samantha.walton@hudson.com for more details and COME AND ENJOY THE AUSSIE LIFESTYLE!

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Replies to This Discussion

Hi Samantha,

One day I'll be looking to come back to Sydney,
but it won't be for at least 3 years. I just married an american.

I'll keep hudson in mind when I come back..
Though I won't need any visa costs - relocation could be key.

Good luck
Do you also provide relocation opportunities to experienced professionals? I am an experienced UNIX Systems Analyst, currently settled in USA, and want to reloacate to Sydney. I already have my visa and am on the lookout for resources and opportunities for relocations.

You can contact me at lashiv@gmail.com

Thanks and regards,

Vishal Gupta
Dear Samantha,
It has always been a dream to move up to Aussi, but I never did know of any one in Aussi who could help me or show me the way, looks like my prayers are finally answered, but I hope its not too late, I am 46 years old and have attached my resume for you, hope its of some use to you.
Thanks a lot for the time taken out to read my resume.
You are kind.
Take care and have a nice day.
Hi Samantha,

This is Venkat from harrisburg, PA United States. I came accross your ad.....to begin with i did my Masters in Business administration from CENTRAL QUEENSLAND UNIVERSITY, SYDNEY AUSTRALIA and a member of Australian Marketing Association (AMA) since 2006. Presently i am in United States for a 18 months contract as a recruiter for GLOBAL EMPIRE in PA, working on its both healthcare as well as IT marketing and sales doing international recruitments. I did my Bachelors in Electronics and i do have approximately 3 years of working experience. please have a look at the attached resume and let me know what do u think of.

thanks for your time

I am interested to know more about this one. Please can you let me know more bout this position. I lives in India and has 3+ years in recruiting.



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