A long while back, I started something called the BlogSwap. Essentially, there were all these recruiting blogs and all these writers and the idea was that people would write articles and then it would be published on other recruiting blogs. It gave blogs content and gave writers a wider audience. It worked and it worked well. I thought it would last forever but after about 8 weeks or so, we all experienced severe stress and burnout for those who wrote and for those who did not write but should have been writing ( I fall into the latter) When I left Recruiting.com, I asked Steven Rothberg if he wanted to take it over from me and he agreed.

On Friday after reading John Sumser's post in his series called Digging into RecruitingBlogs.com, he said something that really made a lot of sense to me and I have an idea now that I am convinced will make a difference over time for those who are active here and for those who just have a little bit of time to visit.

I was amazed to see that there were over 100 blog posts written in the last week. I know for sure, I did not see all of them. Probably I did not read a good portion of them. I would think this is true for many of you. So below is what I, through John, came up with.

RecruitingBlogs.com needs tour guides and interpreters. What does that mean? Well it means, we need some people who are going to during their natural travels here, pick out blog posts, forum posts, videos etc that they feel warrant some visibility and add them to a feed. This feed will be shown on the front page along with the real time view of what is going on. See where I am going with this?

The idea is that since the activity here in terms of postings are going up, they disappear from view quickly and there is great stuff from yesterday, last week, last month that falls to the wayside due to how this site works. This little idea of tour guides and interpreters will fix it.

Each week, if there were 5 people who could highlight content that they think deserves some extra attention the user experience of RecruitingBlogs.com would be at a different level. I am sure of this. Each week, there should be a new group of tour guides and interpreters doing their thing and this will add various flavors of promoted content. In addition, there will be an organizer/schedule keeper who will keep it all running smoothly. The schedule keeper will stay in place for 2 months. Then I’ll ask someone new to do it.

So, for the next 2 months, I have asked Rayanne Trumbo to help with the organization and keep the whole process organized. She has agreed – Thanks Rayanne.

Now, we are looking for volunteers to help. Each week 5 people will guide and suggest content for visitors to read. I am hoping that each tour guide will pick out 5-7 pieces of content a week and add it to the feed I’ll create. In addition, by adding appropriate tags to these posts, over time, we will be able to create great channels of related content.

If there are more than 5 who are willing to help the network, Rayanne will organize who and when and how. I really feel this is an important step and I look forward to uncovering great content as a result of this.

If you are interested in helping with this, for sure let Rayanne know and I’d be interested in knowing if you think this is a good idea.

I’m really excited about this.

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A great idea.

May I suggest that a tour guide is not allowed to "promote" their own material? I say this ahead of time so that we do not have anyone use this as an opportunity to exploit the system.

I am not volunteering to be a tour guide until after the July 25th Minnesota Recruiters event but I will assist after.

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