A few days back I blogged about why I decided to extend my Facebook Fast beyond the first week. Chief among my concerns was the fact that upon reading Facebook's security and privacy policy I learned that they don't have any limits on who can read private messages between members. That means that if the engineers at Facebook get bored and want to entertain themselves, they can start reading our messages to job seekers at will. ALL of the other big sites, Yahoo, Microsoft, Google, MySpace, etc. limit who can read our private messages. As a recruiter I don't like the idea that anyone can read what I write to anyone.

There hasn't been much response to this post and I'm wondering whether it isn't important to recruiters that their private messages to job candidates remain private, or if this didn't register on rss radar. I would really love to hear what other recruiters (who I haven't spoken to directly) think about this. Here is a link to the post:


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