A round-up from the recruiting industry’s group blogs, portals and individual archives...

Winding down another month. Dag, time flies...

Mendoza’s Monday Member Showcase...
Meet Dennis Smith, Blogger for Talent, Talk Show Host of the Recrui...
Tutorial Tuesday...
Mark E. Berger with a post: Googling Resumes: Turning lemons into lemonade
Claudia's Wednesday Wisdom...
Burn Baby Burn
Third Party Thursday...
No post but...
Friday: TGIS (Thank Goodness Its Sumser!)...
...normal programming resumes this week!

...and Editor's Picks

Hiring Practices That Kill Deals… or How to Avoid Faceplanting in t... by Nancy Ford
What Would Happen if Job Boards Became Obsolete? by Jason Buss
A case against open networking by Thomas
[Donato Diorio chips in: LIONs and Idiots; Donato’s Rules for emailing recipient lists and a day late, but not a dollar short, LinkedIn LIONs Clicking "I Don't Know This Person"?!?!? by Joshua Letourneau ]

HR: Who You Recruit Today Can Kill Who You Recruit Tomorrow by Josh Letourneau
Internet Makes Recruiters Wimps by Recruiting Animal
The Best Show for People Who Ride Those Motorized Scooters in the G... by Lance

Web 2.0 and Social Media.... Great slideshow.. worth viewing by Jim - medXcentral
A Positive Candidate Experience by Jordan Shaw
Customer Loyalty by Dave Templeman

Reaching Your Apex & Finding Your Niche: The True Source of Rec... by Mike Rasmussen
Behavioral Interviewing For Engineers by Margaret Graziano
New Corporate Recruiting Blog - Success Starts Here by Ben Gotkin

A recruiter friend of mine is in Africa doing some charity work for... by Jeff Weidner
"The day ain't over yet..." by Rayanne
Human Capital Strategies- Lead Development by Ron Mason

The Week's Top Videos

CATHEDRALS - Keith Robinson posted by Dave Mendoza
Talking About RecruitingBlogs.com posted by Dennis Smith
Prescreened, Qualified, Interested and Engaged posted by Me
RockStar Recruiting featured on LOST (well sort of) posted by Marcus Mindte
Feet-eating fish posted by Maha Akiki

-- What? Not a member!

"Animal Crackers" on RecruitingBloggers.com

Recruiters Must Reflect Corporate Culture by Recruiting Animal
How Many Names Do I Need For One Immediate Hire? by Maureen Sharib
Pose as a Career Consultant to win Candidates Trust by Recruiting Animal
Animal Show with special guest: Richard Becker (Mr Moustache) on Marketing for Recruiters
"Most people are terrible at cold calling..." by Maureen Sharib
Compensate to Motivate by Maureen Sharib

ERE Blog Network

Unmercifully Denied at the Gate by Sue Danbom
Boolean – the lost language by Luigi Lupo
Racism, Ageism, Sexism, Homophobia... by Sarah Welstead
Another Video Resume Site Launches by Ernest Feiteira
Pay Me To Leave or, Pay Me To Stay by Gerry Crispin

Mo' digestion

The Week In Recruiting (Reading the blogs, so you don’t have to...) by Jim Stroud (U.S.)
Friday 25 July recruitment roundup by Susanna Cesar-Morton (U.K.)

Fistful of Talent

Brett Favre - Now Wrecking a Succession Plan Near You... by Kris Dunn
Girls Gone Wild - My Worst Interview Stories Of All Time... by Tim Tolan
6 Things To Think About Before You Ditch Corporate Life To Become A... by Jennifer McClure
Why Outside Recruiters Can't Do Your Retention Handholding For You... by Jessica Lee
Social Networking and Recruiting - Is Keeping People Out As Importa... by Josh Letourneau

The Fordyce Letter

No Time to Learn Search-Engine Marketing? by Elaine Rigoli
Kelly Flop by Todd Raphael
FutureResume.com? I feel a mini-rant coming on… by Dave Staats
Frank Risalvato - Founder IRES by Bill Vick
3 Secrets to Conducting a Time-Critical Massive Hiring Initiative by Wade Pierson

A Blog to Bookmark!

News and Views in Search and Internet Recruiting: Name Sourcing, Se... is written by Justin Sivey and is chock full of really useful and thoughtful stuff.

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