Over 400 recruiters and other staffing leaders have already signed up for our free webinar on how employers can and should use Facebook for recruiting.

Date: Thursday, August 14, 2008
Time: 2-3pm EDT / 1-2pm CDT / 12-1pm MDT / 11am-12pm PDT

Views: 63

Replies to This Discussion

is there a podcast for this webinar?
Sorry, Patsy, but there was no recording of the webinar. We are planning to record future webinars though. The next one is 9/25/08 and the topic is how to use cell phone text messaging to recruit college students. http://www.collegerecruiter.com/weblog/2008/08/free_webinar_be.php

Patsy Stewart said:
is there a podcast for this webinar?
Will there be another upcoming opportunity for this webinar? If not, is there a way to view a recording of the webinar? Thanks!

Lisa Beauclaire, PHR, CIR, CDR
HR Sourcing & Diversity Specialist
American Family Insurance
608.242.4100, x 32539
Sorry, Lisa, but there was no recording of the webinar. We are planning to record future webinars though. The next one is 9/25/08 and the topic is how to use cell phone text messaging to recruit college students. http://www.collegerecruiter.com/weblog/2008/08/free_webinar_be.php

Lisa Beauclaire said:
Will there be another upcoming opportunity for this webinar? If not, is there a way to view a recording of the webinar? Thanks!

Lisa Beauclaire, PHR, CIR, CDR
HR Sourcing & Diversity Specialist
American Family Insurance
608.242.4100, x 32539



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