Guerrilla Marketing Lunch n Learn Aug 28 Uptown Charlotte at the Westin

11:30 AM - 1PM - August 28, 2008, Charlotte Westin

Traditional media and the Internet has been run as a single race... they produce and we consume. A new era has begun which has turned this single race into a triathlon... consuming, producing, and sharing. Welcome to the Web 2.0 which is primed for Guerrilla Marketing & Social Networking.

Guerrilla Marketing: an unconventional system of promotions on a very low budget, by relying on time, energy and imagination instead of big marketing budgets.

Social Networking: focuses on building online communities of people who share interests and activities, or who are interested in exploring the interests and activities of others.

Espresso: is a concentrated coffee beverage brewed by forcing very hot water under high pressure through coffee that has been ground to a extremely fine consistency.

Here’s the agenda:

11:30 AM - Registration and Networking

Noon to 12:50 PM – Lunch and Presentation

12:50 to 1:00 PM – Q&A Session

Cost: $25 per NCASP Members $30 for Non-NCASP Members and includes lunch and 1 hour's worth of recertification CEUs.

Reservations: RSVP by filling in your contact info below and submitting. You will then need to click on the PayPal symbol. All refunds are available only if you cancel at least 3 full days before the meeting date. Your personal information is secure on PayPal, it’s easy to use and will accept most major debit and credit cards.

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