Adil Wali, CEO at Rich Apps Consulting, asks, over on LinkedIn:
What are the most cost-effective and useful Recruiting/Hiring conferences to attend? I know that there are a number of conferences centered around hiring and recruitment, but many such conferences are too 'commercially-tainted', and have fewer networking and learning opportunities than others. I'd like to attend a non vendor-dominated conference so that I can learn more about the recruiting space and build valuable connections. Any suggestions?

None so far here but I'm sure some of YOU can make some suggestions!

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I think it depends what you want out of the conference. If you want to network with other colleagues, then any of them could be good. If you want to learn more about corporate issues then some of the big ones like ERE and Kennedy and Fordyce seem to address those, as well as the new R4 conference coming up next month.

If you want hands on nuts and bolts information on how to be a better third party recruiter, then I recommend the NEAPS conference. They do it every Spring in the Boston area, and I attended this year for the first time, my first conference in 14+ years of being a recruiter. Really enjoyed it, and it's great for all levels, newbie to seasoned...lots of specific how to do your job more effectively type workshops, led by Danny Cahill (my first time seeing him, and totally get all the buzz on this guy, he's great), Peter Lefkowitz (I'd taken his training before and this was a great refresher), and many others.


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