We would like to invite you to post your administrative open positions, free of course on our new Community/ Career Site, SmartAdminPeople.com. Our unique approach to the Network/Recruiting is constantly expanding and developing through video resumes , and individual online portfolios. With such resources, this allows members to expand their skills, market their products, and create a buzz on the discussion boards.

Using SmartAdminPeople for your company’s hunt for the best candidates will expand your horizon, but not your budget. When you post your job on Smart Admin People.com we automatically cross-post hem to hundreds of free and fee-based career sites Linkedin, Edgeio, Simply Hired, Myspace, Jobster, Simply Hired and hundreds more . Our RSS job feeds place your jobs on countless of other sites, as well as on the desktops of thousands of active and passive job seekers.
Posting your job is simple; go to http://www.smartadminpeople.com click on Post Job and enter your posting. When posting be sure to enter discount code “newclient” to post your jobs for free, you can post unlimited jobs for free from now till Oct. Don’t have the time to post? We will do it for you just send your positions to us at jobposts@smartadminpeople.com.

Feel free to browse the site, post your Ads and checkout some of our services only available at www.SmartAdminPeople.com.
Don’t forget to send us your feedback, Our improvements is all depends on your feedback and suggestions.

We appreciate your support by inviting your friends to try our site as well. Remember the more visitors that see your ads; the more chances you have to sell your product or find what you are looking for, so go on and Share with Friends and bring more viewers to your Ad.

Thank you for your support and have fun posting & browsing

New York, NY

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