It's funny how things have changed in the recruitment world, I remember when CV's where posted but now most recruitment companies collect CV's online. Isn't that interesting... a colleague told me that one can also collect references online for their candidates...easy! this is an automated process that alerts referee wherever they are to provide references for candidate. Once reference is uploaded online, recruiters can either do a search for the candidate online and find their references.
I tried it, well it was lovely...and it is free for now but if job sites charge for CVs, then there will be a cost later on for this service I guarantee you guys. I can also attach, manage documents online as well with this service. I think all my recruitment brothers and sisters should check it out, its

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Please excuse me on this one. I've been paying attention to all the different tools out here lately and am unimpressed with 99% of them. I'll assume you are looking for actual feedback since this was posted on a site where thousands of recruiters will see it. (Pretty good press for free, eh?)

A quick visit to your site and once again I'm scratching my head. Online references? If that is indeed what your site does - it was quite hard to decipher.

Sorry Mike but I just don't see how any employer actually interested in what a "real" reference would say is going to be satisfied with a quick peep at one on-line reference and be satisfied.

Even with my clients - after I have done several reference checks - many want to call the person and have their own discussion - if only to confirm the work I've already done.

Seriously here. You think a candidate is just going to tell people "go look at my 'one' online reference"?

I can only imagine how much money you would think a client would pay for access to a canned reference. Let alone - the idea of any "real" reference wanting to put anything official in writing on the web.

The best references are the ones who agree to a "confidential tell all" and not the glossy "Oh yeah, he was great" stuff. Clients pay us to check references - not read one posted somewhere.


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