Quintessential Careers has declared Nov. 3 Job Action Day 2008 worldwide — a day for job-seekers and workers to confront the current economic crisis head-on and take action steps to improve their careers.
(QUINTESSENTIAL CAREERS: DeLand, FL) - To rally those who have lost their jobs or are facing possible job loss in the current devastated economic climate, Quintessential Careers has created Job Action Day, to be implemented on Monday, Nov. 3. Job Action Day 2008 aims to empower workers and job-seekers to take proactive steps to shore up their job and career outlook, said Quintessential Careers Founder and Publisher Dr. Randall S. Hansen.
“For job-seekers,” Hansen said, “Job Action Day is a chance to take a break from the daily grind of job-hunting to take a look at the bigger picture of their careers and job-search strategies. It’s a day to strategize plans for developing new job and career options and devising new and better ways to track down job leads and position themselves for employment opportunities.”
For workers facing possible job loss, Job Action Day is a time “to not only examine their current job and employer, but also evaluate both the stability of that job and employer as well as their personal fulfillment with their jobs,” Hansen said. “It’s a day to take stock of their careers and develop a plan for their next career steps.”
Hansen said he deliberately set Job Action Day 2008 for the eve of the U.S. presidential election to encourage voters to think about job creation and the avoidance of further job losses as they cast their votes. Beyond the election, Hansen said, “workers and job-seekers must hold the next president’s feet to the fire.” Echoing Hillary Rodham Clinton’s battle cry at a recent rally in Orlando, FL, the concept of “Jobs, Baby, Jobs” must be a top priority for the new leader, Hansen said.
Quintessential Careers will mark Job Action Day 2008 with service-oriented articles and blog entries to provide workers and job-seekers with information, ideas, and concrete steps that they can take to secure their futures — both in the short-term and the long-term.
In addition, the Quintessential Careers family of blogs, including the Quintessential Careers Blog, Career Doctor Blog, Quintessential Resume and Cover Letter Tips Blog, and A Storied Career, will feature Job Action Day entries.
Hansen has invited bloggers in the employment and careers sector to join in blogging on Job Action Day about the importance of being proactive in their jobs and careers.
Pointing to a hurting U.S. economy — and ailing economies around the globe — along with daily announcements of employer retrenchments, mergers, and layoffs, Hansen explained that “no job is safe in these situations, but opportunities for hiring and promotions still exist - under the right conditions and with the right strategies.” Job Action Day is intended to empower workers and job-seekers to confront the economic climate and take control for a brighter career future, Hansen said.