Our job board accepts resumes. In order to add value, we filter out irrelevant resumes (no degree, no analytical skills or experience).

However, we don't know what to do with resumes from people with 30 years of experience, that have all the relevant experience, but look like they make no career progress (jobs with less responsability and/or fewer skills used over time). Should we keep these resumes? Many recruiters are not interested in them, and they seem to be competing with entry-level or junior candidates (which is fine if they ask the same salary).

You can check our resumes at www.AnalyticResumes.com, I would like to read your feedback on this issue.

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Sometimes is best to keep them , as they will develop and if prompted update thier details .

The other thing is that if you have sales people or short term sales experience on some of your cv's you may find with the right control you can place them if you are looking for a candidate with the drive , enthusiasm & no preconcieved ideas , if you have a mechansim to ask the candidate to update then I would do so.


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