I am going to put another sourcing series together in a novella format - stories about name sourcing - would you like to contribute? I'm hoping to have several format categories:
Cheap Romance

If you have another genre suggestion, tell me!

Send your submissions to:
maureen at namesourcer.com
(Replace "at" with @ when you do this.)

This is the brainchild of Ami Givertz - I am not nearly so smart to think something like this up. By the way, I believe Ami is another one of the brightest lightbulbs (besides the www.RecruitingAnimal.com) in our industry!
Join the MagicMethod group today here on www.RecruitingBlogs.com to learn about telephone name sourcing.

Sourcers! Don't be left out. Get listed in 2008 Book of Sourcers!
Do something today you don't think you can do.

Maureen Sharib
Telephone Name Sourcer/MagicMethod Trainer
513 899 9628
TechTrak.com, Inc.
maureen at namesourcer.com

NameSourcer blog: http://tinyurl.com/33qezt

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