Hello everyone,


I am new to the site, and I am thinking of starting my own blog, I studied Journalism at University and I love writing, especially when it is something I want to write about, but before i begin, I just wanted to pick some more experienced brains.


A few of my thoughts include:


Targetting - does my blog have to have a theme, or could it be just as interesting if it is whatever happens to of sparked my interest at the time...


Professionalism - how professional should the writing be, is it acceptable to write from a more casual stand point


And finally Twitter, I have some crossed wires when it comes to my Twitter account, I use it to post things that interest me within my interest, but I also us it as a simple 'Social Network' to talk to my friends and generally share with the world what I had for dinner, or how mean I am to my partner. Is this OK or should I use it on a solely professional or solely personal basis?


What are your thoughts...


Thank you in advance




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Great post, in reading I learnt quite a bit. Some great stuff from Courntney on the do's and dont's. Thanks.

Courtney--If the need arose and I was tasked to find OldManSmell--my instinks would tell me to follow the odor.
(sorry--I couldn't resist...Tim S. understands)

Courtney Hunt said:

Thanks, Valentino! And your comment about how to refer to you made me smile. It also reminded me that one of my first Twitter followers was called "OldManSmell." I wonder if he's still out there...?

Thank you everyone for your advice, I am looking forward to getting started, I have been noting down things, that Amy says, are things that I have an opinion that I would like to get off my chest!

Courtney, thank you for the articles, I will read them with great interest.

Thanks everyone, it fills me with confidence that this discussion has so much great feedback :)


Chantelle, i subscribe to a site called "Daily Writing Tips".  There are several sites like that might be a great help.  Google them might be of interest to you as you take pen in hand.  :)
Thank you Sandra, I hope the weather is nice this weekend, watching the partner playing football and my notebook sounds just perfect :)

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