Who said this?
“Everyone who has been in this industry has had a chance to participate in something very exciting. It is kind of like early steam engines or factories or something. The timing was right for the people who got to do it. And that is a lucky thing..."
Any guesses? No? Well, let's go on then...
Having spent most of my life trying to get ahead, I understand the importance of
timing and given the time and place in which we now dwell - I am sure you understand the imperative nature of it, as well.
David Ives ventured into the world of timing in several short plays that he later combined for a full-length play entitled, All in the Timing. One of the pieces,
Words, Words, Words" addresses the proposition that, "Three monkeys hitting keys at random on typewriters for an infinite amount of time will almost surely produce Hamlet." Now, would that be considered timing or just smart luck?
Sometimes, the timing is just right for a homerun to be hit - it is said that the swing is all about the timing, the pitch is about throwing it off.
Sometimes, the timing is right for two people to fall in love - sadly, one or the other fails to recognize it or they blow it because their timing is off, they should have zigged instead of zagged. Remember the Seinfeld episode when Elaine fell in love with the guy who felt her gabardine jacket and named the fabric, short-lived as it was (and usually is), George didn't fare so well in his fabric feeling venture.
Sometimes, the timing is right for a new company to get off the ground, like Twitter - who discovered the now, obsessive love of the frenetic pace of microblogging, who knew?
Social Media has found the right timing. The top floor-corporate world has failed to fully embrace it, but that will follow. Unless, of course, that top floor houses Microsoft, Apple or any of the other companies that stay fresh and on the edge of innovation. There were also those that believed an analog watch or 35-mm film were the only way. Hmmmm.
Web 3.0 will capture an even larger audience and further embed its amenities into our lives.
Who said that first quote? The same person who said this next one...
“If you give people tools, [and they use] their natural ability and their curiosity, they will develop things in ways that will surprise you very much beyond what you might have expected.” ~Bill Gates
Tools? Sometimes, we have to invent our own... Check out this
almost unbelievable story from the world of art about someone who created his own timing.
by rayannethorn