I've spent hours with many here on RBC...Slouch for dinner in NYC, Maureen Sharib practically every day, Mendoza at McSorely's (hmmm, was also there with Sus Kang Nam and Dave Jacks; and Ben Gotkin at Wo Hop's in Chinatown. Sorry David and Rob - we've been there together too.

Speaking of Manaster, the first ever meeting of ERE bloggers many years ago had Shally, Gerry Crispin, Michael Homula (MH - I miss you, call me) and me debating ethics while Glenn G, Gretchen L, Heather Hartmann, and a few others whom I just can't remember (sorry!) were huddling in closer to hear. Talk about the brainpower at one table.

A few hours with Sumser on the phone over the years and his bear-hug-instead-of-a-handshake greeting at conferences? Priceless.

And can I ever forget Dennis Smith staying over my house and traveling together by LIRR into NYC after years of virtual communication that was finally breached by a panel and Kennedy's Las Vegas show?

Seriously, I could go on and on about the great people in recruiting whom I've had the pleasure of getting to know professionally and ultimately too as friends but there's one rabid recruiter I've never met in person.

There's one special voice in recruiting whose volume speaks louder than his words.

I'd like to sit down and jaw with...






R E C R U I T I N G A N I M A L ! ! !

and I'd like Jason to video it because there is no telling what two mature recruiters with no governors on their lips might say. MK's ability to cut through the morass of the recruiting blogosphere and interject POVs from other areas and finally to assimilate all of this flotsam and jetsam into a coherent message that actually makes sense (and makes women, children and grown men cry) is one that I admire. Really.

Just get us talking about any topic and I'm sure it will be (a) entertaining, (b) informative, (d) worthy of publication and above all (c) against all FCC and Industry Canada standards for good taste.

Besides, we'll charge admission to the event and raise money for charity.

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Steve I'd be happy to talk to you for an hour -- on the Recruiting Animal Show!!!

Lemme axe you dis: what's wrong with that?
I'd buy the pay per view on this one.
I'd pay $50 to see that.
I'll take the notes.
2 guys talking on tv who'd be on my LOOOOONGGGG list.. tell me where and when... yes JD I'll even set the alarm!
Steve - You missed me.

I met you @ the Happy Hour Event organised by ICIMS(Lindsay Orantes) in NYC - May 15, 2008. We were the first one to be @ the meeting., & you have advised me not to wear the Suit., as Suit is not for Recruiter's. You are the same Steve from Huntington Right! I am from Rockville Centre.

I would like to learn a lot from you - lot to learn from your Blogs. I am eagerly waiting for your Talk Show with our Recruiting Radio King.

Summy, we'll have you as the main sponsor of the event and include this as part of your revamped Roadshow - can there be any better advertising than this? Pay per view @ $50? You're kidding me Jimbo, aren't you? This would be at least $69.95 per buy; we're talking Randy Couture v. Brock Lesner, Ali v. Frazier, Abbott v. Costello here. Who's on first? I don't know. THIRD BASE!

Maren...we'll need a, um, ring girl to carry the cards 'tween rounds. Mo...waddahya, a repawtah or sumtin? You're gonna help Maren. Danarooooo...you're another one of those crazy Aussies; we have you pegged for beer sales.

And Gopi...pay the money for the PPV and then we'll see about getting together. Or you can call me at 203-216-6226 and perhaps we can get together at the Starbucks across from the LIRR in RVC...

Tektree Gopi said:
Steve - You missed me.

I met you @ the Happy Hour Event organised by ICIMS(Lindsay Orantes) in NYC - May 15, 2008. We were the first one to be @ the meeting., & you have advised me not to wear the Suit., as Suit is not for Recruiter's. You are the same Steve from Huntington Right! I am from Rockville Centre.

I would like to learn a lot from you - lot to learn from your Blogs. I am eagerly waiting for your Talk Show with our Recruiting Radio King.

Happy to do the beer sales son... as long as samples are free I'm in :)
I wouldn't pay anything either
We'll get a cut of the PPV buys Animal - get it?
Wo Hop, yummy! I think McSorley's actually would be a fine place for the main event. Clear out a circle in the back room, the sawdust on the floor, the wood burning stove, beer all around, and an old-fashioned 19th-century-style bare-fisted brawl!
Let me say this...you ain't lived until you've had a hot cuppa train station coffee, and a couple of days on the LIRR with Levy. In all seriousness, that was my highlight of 2008. I had the opportunity to hang out with somebody in our community that I've known since 2004, but never had the chance to meet f2f.

The only thing that might have topped it would have been to ride the LIRR with Levy and Animal. Actually, I'm not sure we'd have made it outta there alive.

Levy on the Animal show - I'm there.

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