He was young, maybe 15 years old, and his name was Jordan. He was traveling alone and while he tried to seem confident, my mother's intuition told me otherwise.. An empty seat seperated us in the air and twenty miles on the ground. He was from a neighboring city of my hometown, on a plane visiting a friend that had moved far away. And I could tell he was smart with a bright future ahead.

No matter how hard I try to live in my own little world or just privately read my favorite magazine while on a flight, it is usually impossible for me. My cat-killing curiosity and the potential intrigue typically help me pass the time and make new friends. But I tried to play this one off, not wanting to be the boring but nosey adult. He wanted to purchase a headset but not holding a credit card precluded him from doing so, I purchased a set for him. The flight attendant, however, seeing my Good Samaritan effort wiped it away stating she had removed the charge. He thanked me and proceeded to cruise through the on-board TV options that were avaialble. I wonder, do I still get points for that one?

He revealed bits and pieces about himself as my recruiter fangs came out and, effortlessly, the unobtrusive questions flowed. He had already published two books with a third on the way. The color green doesn't look good on me, so I broushed it off. Having written 200,000 plus words over the last three years has yet to produce the book or play that very comfortable resides in my brain.. I think I fear that my love of this sport will recede if a hard cover is applied.

He attended a magnet high school reserved for the mathematically or scientifically-gifted student, but he had been offered a scholarship in his specialty English, most often dreaded by high school boys.  Not Jordan. Jordan was a human after his own heart I admired his spunk, I relished his teenage zest anfd I yearned to ask more questions but our flight was a short one and too soon, he was off, claiming, "This airport is huge." I wished him well and he was gone..

How often do we see ourselves in others? How often to we have a chance to revel in the unjaded joy of a future ready to burst? Every encounter should change who we are. Each individual that we come in contact with, that shares themselves, that drops the curtain, that takes down a brick in their wall, that shows a vulnerability, that finds space in our heads or in our hearts has the potential to conquer another level in this thing we call life. The change should be good, change by its very nature "alters," if it doesn't, well then, change didn't really happen and mere "advantage" was taken. Taking without absorption may suit some,don't let it suit you. The inner sponge is thirsty, let it soak up what is before you and then squeeze it out - use it to wipe clean the baggage that follows you, that follows me. Baggage is what makes us who we are, claim it.

by rayannethorn

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