I just started my my own recruiting firm and I am working on my website. Having viewed many recruiting firm web sites I am amazed at the apparent lack of creativity and and vision demonstrated.

I believe a good web presence could be a powerful recruiting tool vs what I see now as nothing more than a digital yellow page ad.

Does anybody have or know of a recruiting firm website that they really like?


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Hi Chris,

Good Call. Very informative and interactive.


Exactly. This site has pertinent educational information. It does not simply regurgitate the same useless boilerplate statements the other firms have chosen.

There must be more than one good recruiting firm site though...


Miles Jennings said:
Chris, that's a great example. Robert, take a look at all the content and writing on the site besides the open job positions. That's one of the things completely missing from a lot of other sites. My old company, Modis, does a lot of things right - notice the RSS subscription options and detailed category descriptions.
Kaye Bassman has a good site. www.kbic.com
Hi Scot,

I agree very well done - a lot to emulate here.


Scott Godbey said:
Kaye Bassman has a good site. www.kbic.com
Take a look at WWW.cortexhr.com A very classy site without too much writing. Good industry information and valuable resume information in an easily reviewed format. Appealing to the level of candidate and employer Michael works with and not covered up with too much goop. I think it's clean, professional and informative.

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