I sat in a meeting today with two prominent men that understood the strength and necessity of social media. Their activity on twitter, facebook, xing, LinkedIn, Skype, and Plaxo has created the frenzy they intended as they seek second-round funding. Their company is ready to launch an affiliate program and distribution of a new product that may change the face of skin care.
pun intended.
Our conversation was scheduled to explore the potential of social media, funding, and perhaps the need for multiple recruitments once revenue starts to tumble in. Based in biotechnology, there is a necessity to move quickly as changes occur rapidly and slowed product development risks ideas being stolen and lost revenue.
Innovation and entrepreneurship at its best.
Innovation is brought about by friction, by wanting to find a better way. A
better way to do business, a
better way to wash a car, a
better way to communicate, a
better way to recruit. Change is not always easy but technology makes it necessary, either
keep up or get out of the way, so to speak. Anyone claiming to be an expert is just a big, fat liar. There are no experts in anything anymore.
The better way is consistently being honed in every industry, every day.
And so we see the emergence of gurus or counselors: those that have experience and insight into the world of whatever is their
so-called expertise. Maybe they are only a few steps ahead of the rest of the pack but those few steps can make all the difference in the world. The difference between one listing in a google search and twenty.
What are you doing to keep up? Where is your level of expertise? The information is available. Not taking advantage of
all that is available is fool-hearty and lacks common sense. Pack away the badge of foolishness and put a shine on common sense. Social Media is here to stay.
by rayannethorn