I have never written about twitter because I feel less than an expert but yesterday's crash had me and a couple of my clients rather twitter-pated. And not in a Disney-good way. It is interesting how quickly humans become accustomed to certain behavior and how easy it is to rile them up when that behavior has to be altered or censored for just a short time.
And while I feel less than an expert, I am usually tweeting every day and communicate regularly with several people and groups of people using twitter. That is more than can be said for many individuals. I find myself advising clients to create a twitter profile as soon as possible. Use it now, it's free and it's new tech,
and it's free. I like to pummel them with the
free part. Teaching them about hash tags is another story completely.
"Hash tag? Isn't that called the pound sign?" or "
My mom told me that was the number sign." Yes, I know. Just call it hash tag for twitter, ok?
Disruptive Innovation. Hard to accept and once you have accepted, even more difficult to let it go and move on to another, newer - bigger - better, technology. Remember the fax machine? The mortgage companies are hanging on to that dinosaur for dear life. What about the typewriter? I walked past an office window earlier today and there, sitting at the assistant's desk, was a typewriter. At first I thought it was just for show -
an antique on display and then I realized that poor assistant was still using it - ugh... Remember holding your hands up high enough and how difficult it was to actually pound down those keys... I went back to my office and kissed my PC.

Where do you sit in the current revolution/evolution? If you are reading this, you obviously, on some level, embrace social media. But there are so many aspects to what technology has done for human resources, for recruiting, and business, in general. CRMs have replaced desktop rolodexes (or is that rolodi?), paper/hard copies of résumés have been replaced by soft ones... Even CRMs have evolved from a downloadable CD to your PC, to being an SaaS --> cyber access - - online app.
I sat with one of my clients and two IT professionals at a recent Ribbon Cutting ceremony for an online business that was launching. I asked, half-joking, "So, do you think we will ever run out of cyberspace?" They pondered my question, started to laugh, stopped themselves, looked at each other, then back at me and said, "That's a good question." Then I popped off about being a cyberspace realtor and selling space, raising the prices when the stock market or gas prices soared. They just looked at me.
Cyber-geeks. The geek forest has definitely evolved but it is not quite as deep nor as affable as it used to be...

by rayannethorn