I've recently ventured into independent recruiting and I was looking to give BountyJobs a try. After signing up I am told that there is a waiting list of about 8 weeks to receive some sort of access code. Does anyone know how I can speed up the process or other alternatives?

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After initially talking to Ron Elitzur Co-founder, BountyJobs and featuring Bounty Jobs on my blog a year back I must have received more than 100 comments. Around 60 comments are on the website.. worth reading
Ouch - forgot about what I wrote 2+ years ago. Can't understand why the company hasn't been more aggressive in managing the negative comments...

Rithesh Nair said:
After initially talking to Ron Elitzur Co-founder, BountyJobs and featuring Bounty Jobs on my blog a year back I must have received more than 100 comments. Around 60 comments are on the website.. worth reading
I have been following this blog as well as others about Bounty for some time. I was at first skeptical of the business model another company [which i am a current member]introduced a number of years ago so when Bounty came along i thought i would at least try them. My experience with them has been very negative and just today I finally have had enough. I had a candidate who I submitted to a job posting on Bounty and have not had any response for a long time. I finally got the employer's hiring manager on the phone today and he told me, and i quote, "look, those jobs are not real, we just wanted to see what was out there"...." we will not have any jobs for at least the next couple of months and we will take a look at your candidates then" YIKES, i almost hit the roof. Like i have nothing better to do then send candidates into black holes. I must say my experience with another site which was mentioned here, has been totally opposite of mine on Bounty and i will continue to use their service but i caution anyone to think long and hard about wasting your time with Bounty. I also spoke with another recruiter who had a similar experience as far as working on a job that wasn't real...
Hello Kim, I reviewed the site for USstaffingroup.com and would like to learn more. Please contact me at your convenience.
PJ Cunningham

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